Monday, June 22, 2009

normal? really?

Who would have ever thought I would be considered normal? My appointment on Friday went well, as usual. I am about 30-40% effaced and dialated 1cm and a wiggle (that's how she described it)...which is normal. My belly measured at 36 cm, which is normal. Her head is down, which is normal (and good!). And the doc said she should be a normal size baby. All of my tests(blood pressure, hemoglobin, whatever they do with the urine sample) are good/normal. So at this rate I should just have the baby on the 17th, on time and normal :-)

Sunday Joey and I did a few more sessions of our online class which included the birth know, the video. I told him he didn't have to watch that part if he didn't want to...he sat on the couch with the blanket pulled up to his eyes, peeking out just a little. The video was probably all of 15 seconds, but that's enough :-) I think it made it look a lot easier than it's really going to be since it was so short! We're working out a plan for how to deal with me in the hospital...I am not sure that the "you can do it, sweetheart" is really going to do it! He is worried about seeing me in pain and I said that's no big deal b/c it will be over before you know it and we'll forget all about that...then we can worry about the baby!

1 comment:

  1. it is SO hard for the guy to see their wife in pain, and since they can't fix what is causing the pain, it makes things even worse. I'm glad you're talking about it before hand. If someone tried to pet me and told me I could do it, it is almost over, I'd have punched them. The best for me was distraction. I internalize pain, so I wanted to not think about it. Foot rubs and back rubs and temple rubs were awesome...John drumming his fingers on the bed...not so much =)
