Friday, January 29, 2010

the big 3-0!

Juliette and I are now both 30...weeks, years...details details. Here are some pics from the photoshoot:

what, i am 30?!?

wearing moms fav pj's
smiling at daddy
finding something to eat
being cute
monkey cheeks
dad thinks it's funny when i eat my toes

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

big girl!

This post is not in reference to her weight or chubby cheeks...we finally moved her from eating in the Bumbo chair, to her HIGH CHAIR! Yay! Well, not really "yay" b/c I really liked the Bumbo and it worked really well, but she is getting strong and it was time to move her. Joey got the high chair out from the garage and put it together this weekend, but I had to wait to have my camera before I'd put her in there! (forgot it at the fundaraiser and Brent brought it back for me). Anyway, here are the super monumental pics :-) I just love the open-mouth-i-am-ready-for-my-next-bite-face!! (Sorry about the random light over her face...not good lighting right there apparently...)

all done!

another visit to see a friend

I had a few things to drop off for Lindsey and needed to get them to her before Lucy outgrew them, so we stopped over for a little visit (luckily we caught Lucy awake- she sleep more that Juliette did!). At the rate they are going, Juliette will be getting Lucy's hand-me-downs! They are 3 months apart and about the same size right now! Lindsey pointed out that it's kind of funny because they are the same size but Juliette has more skills b/c she is older. It was kind of weird to see that! At any rate, it was the first time Juliette has been OLDER than one of my friends kids, so that was fun :-) Here are a few pics from the photoshoot we made sure we did...last time they met one girl was always asleep so we didn't get any pics :-(

checking out the toy Lucy got for her (we haven't discussed sharing yet)
(lucy talking) "mom- this girl is crazy!!!"
but i think i like her enough to get some of her germs
my favorite pic
lucy: seriously?
juliette: ah hahaha bababa hahaha

Can't wait until they can play catch together!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Juliette's first fundraiser

My mom and I are on the committee for the Greg Marzolf Jr Muscular Dystrophy "Salut: Cause To Cook For A Cure" benefit. This is the second year we have done it. GMJ was a classmate of mine at CDH and I coached his sister in softball as well, so that is how we got connected with the family. It's a great event and cause. All the money raised goes to the U of M for research. Some of the doctors from the U were at the event this year and it was really cool. Since its inception in 2002 the GMJ Foundation has raised over a million dollars through various fundraisers. If you want to know more, you can check out this link:

Since all my babysitters were at this event, Juliette got to come along (I probably would've brought her anyway!). She was super cute and wore her pink star robeez (shoes) for the first time... I have been WAITING for her to fit into them!!!

here are the girls...

family pic

it was a long night for her...but i love when she falls asleep on me :-)

Friday, January 22, 2010

29 weeks...getting ready to say goodbye to her 20's

It was a busy week! Wednesday I had to go into work for a meeting so Grandpa Steve-O had his first real babysitting duty (he's had her for an hour before, but this was for like 3-4 hours!). Both Juliette and Grampa did very well. Today at swimming she had her best day (yeah, out of 3, but it was still her best!). She still cried when she went under water, but she did a good job kicking to go get a toy! Baby steps (or strokes?). I also think she cries when she comes out of the water b/c she is cold, but it's getting better overall so that is nice. It was also my first time at swimming w/o Joey and I survived, so that was good. This afternoon during some tummy time she actually got up on all fours...which is not a big deal, but she did it with her belly off of the ground! Then she went backwards! I have it on video and will post that soon. It's fun and I am excited for her to crawl for real, but really don't want her to yet :-) Here are some pics from her 29 week shoot:

what are you looking at?

monkey cheeks

i like you little lambi am still a good sitter
mom, i am smiling!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Monday, January 18, 2010

date night

Joey and I have a little tradition of going out once a year with Mark and Laura to what we call our "nice dinner" (which basically means a nice place and we get apps AND desserts AND drinks!). Last year we picked Wildfire, so this year it was Mark and Laura's turn to pick. They picked a place in Edina called Broders. It's a pasta bar where the pasta is homemade...SUPER good. We also had a few good apps and a yummy little dessert. There was an hour wait, so we were able to chat and have a few glasses of wine while the boys had their beer and a cigar outside. Here are the only pics we took (should've taken a few of the food!):

Mark and Laura
Joey's idea of a nice picture
the 4 of us at our little corner tableat the end of the night...and funny that the quilt behind us was made by Laura


I love when she does this...she gets it in herself, but sometimes it's upside down...

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Ok, it wasn't a real playdate yet because Juliette can't really play yet- but she's getting closer since she can sit up now! Last night we went over to see Andrea and Ben's new house and hang out with their girls. It's so fun to see what the future holds! Here are a few pics of the girls:

Laney and Juliette
Juliette, Laney, and Lucy
all 3 again...and one playing with dad...i love this pic!

28 weeks

Here are the pics from Thursday:
picture day again?
look at me!
i like to discover things...
laughing at daddy trying to make me smile (sorry, but mom is too lazy to rotate this pic right now)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

6 month pics!!

Ok, so that was fast...Katrina just got the preview pics posted (I was checking her blog every 2 minutes...hehe), so I swiped a few for on here:

just cute!

her thoughtful look
little cutie!
smart like her mamma... artistic fam shot

We love them! Thanks Katrina!

lounging around

Here are a few cute pics from the last few days...

after bathtime

in my polo outfit mom has been waiting months for me to fit into! it's even cuter in person...and the hoodie is reversable!the rocking chair was well worth the money...

I still have to put up her 28 week pics, since that is today, but I haven't taken them yet. Joey is currently doing bathtime while I update this and then we'll take the pics, so I should be able to get them up tomorrow or Saturday. Also, we had her 6 month photoshoot with Katrina today so as soon as I get the link to that I'll post...I love getting the little teaser from her!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

whoops....27 weeks

forgot to post the pics...busy weekend!!

pictures again?
i think i'd rather eat this blanket...or play with the lamb
dad is trying to get me to smilemission accomplished...kinda :-)