Wednesday, June 30, 2010

the open

Joey and I went on a picnic and to the zoo with Juliette. This is one of my most favorite days we have had. I have never been on a real picnic (on a blanket, with a picnic basket) before, so yeah, I was a little camera happy. On the way thre I was singing the ABC's to her...then I tried to sing, "A Visit to the Zoo (Elizabeth Ann and her sister Noelle...)", but I couldn't- I would start to cry. Rainbow Riders are deep :-) **If you have NO idea what I am talking about, don't's a family reference** So anyway, here is our day in pics:

eating a snack while we find the perfect picnic place
found it! grabbing a drink with daddy...
wish i could eat the whole sandwich
how about the meat?
need to wash that all down...
i got to sit with mommy for a while
apparently she wasn't done eating because she went over to her stroller for more snacks
checking out the animals with daddy
good samaritan took our pic but couldn't get juliette to look. good effort!
drink break
i bought this outfit specifically for the zoo...super cute zebra shirt and cute skirt
zebra in back, but she wanted the camera
some matching zebra shades
i look cool...
i'm number one!
thanks for taking me to the zoo!
pooped out!!

Yeah, we got her a stuffed zebra too. I am a sucker for a gift shop an anything that makes her smile :-)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Anna got engaged!!! I missed her call tonight, but I am soooooo happy for her and Chad! Anna and I have been friends since 2nd grade and we just had a nice little margarita night with our moms a few weeks ago. When I was listening to her message I was telling Joey I was so happy and he's like, "you're crying"...well, yeah, they've been dating FOREVER!
So Anna (my most dedicated blog reader outside of my immediate family), I can't wait for all of the wedding fun!!! ...and then the babies :-) too soon? hehe

daddy's vacation

Joey is on vacation this's starting out pretty well...

homemade waffles (by jaclyn) w/bacon on the grill (by joey)

cute happy baby who loves her daddy!
Happy vacation week Joey!

apparently she was thirsty...

oh, she is just so much fun!!! especially when she thinks she is so funny :-) whenever i have the fridge open she always wants to get we let her hang out for a bit...

and by "in" the fridge, i mean IN the fridge
taking a sip...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Danielle's Party

On Saturday we got to go to our friend Danielle's birthday party! Her birthday was at the beginning of this month, but the party was this weekend. It was at Eagle's Nest in New Brighton, which has a cool indoor park. If Juliette was feeling a little better we would've stayed to play! We did get to hang out and have a little cake! Happy Birthday Danielle!

moms (one month apart) and babies (one month apart)

Laura MADE these cakes!!! Herself! So impressive! (Meghan- I know you hate Disney, but you have to appreciate these cakes!)

danielle enjoying her cupcake!

Friday, June 25, 2010


I am actually surprised I don't have more posts titled "poop"...anyway...

On Friday night Joey and I went out with the Heaslips for dinner and a movie (Champps and Grown Ups...both were good!). At the end of the meal I checked my phone in case Unkie B and Antie K had any issues (Juliette was not at 100% when we left). Here was my text from Brent:

Your kid pooped in the tub.

I could barely stop laughing to tell everyone else what he said. So funny...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

51 weeks

OMG...this is the last card that says "weeks" on it....the next one says One Year! What am I going to do??? I mean, what is wrong with taking a 79 week picture? :-) Anyway, here she is:

if i get her to look up for a second, the card can stay

and i litereally mean "second" she's happy :-)

don't mess with me!
oohhh, ribbons :-)
here you go!
so big! (this is now just done whenever she wants a laugh)
i just wanted to show the back of this romper...
my sneaky way to get the "51" on her :-)

Monday, June 21, 2010

longest day of the year!

Today is the longest day of the year...speaking in terms of daylight. It's not the latest sunset, just the most hours of daylight (thanks Brent for that fun fact). I love it because I feel like I can get so much done! Came home, had dinner with Joey and Juliette, bath time for Juliette, bedtime for Juliette...bedtime for Joey. Then it was 7:30.

So I called Brent to see if he had finished enough of his homework to be able to play tennis....and, yay, he had! So I put on some tennies, grabbed my racquet and walked down to his place. We drove to some courts that were about a mile away and played for about an hour and a half! This was the first time I had played since '08 since I was preggo with Juliette last year and didn't get out. It was SO NICE to get out and play!! Brent was decked out in all white in honor of Wimbledon. I forgot. This was always the time of year that we'd get excited to play because Wimbledon would be on TV and it would be nice out. We ended up tied at 4-4 and decided to end it that way. We both have lots to work on, but we had some fun rallies and didn't argue over any calls or get really mad. Only took 20 years :-)

capriati and agassi
(funny how we picked the druggies?!?)

Hopefully next year I can see the real thing!! I'd love to go to Wimbledon and if we go for the early rounds Juliette won't be 2 yet so she would still fly for free :-)

daddy day!!

Joey was so excited for his first Father's Day. We had a really busy day (with a lot of eating) planned, so it was low key in the morning. Juliette and I went to Caribou and got him a mocha and a breakfast sandwich. After her morning nap we went to my parents and had a BBQ with the fam. Juliette was her happy bubbly self and was on the move...she just wanted to crawl and climb on everything. She also enjoyed a big lunch. Which reminds me- we got a sippy cup to work!! I have tried before, but she would just bite on it. I called my friend Laura who went through 3 cups until she found one to work and her recommendation dworked for us too! Wahoo! Juliette napped in her room at my parents and then we went to the Davern's for dinner. When we got home, she was pooped! She had a pretty busy day! She had her bath and went to bed. Joey and I worked on his lunch for the week and then had 15 minutes of relaxation time before he had to go to bed. He said he had a great father's day, and I am glad because he is an awesome dad! Joey- I love you! You do such a great job with Juliette and I love to see her face when she sees you! You light up both of our lives and we're so lucky to have you! Happy father's day to all the dads out there (especially mine!).

Joey's morning...
cheers daddy's little girl (see the bib)
i am not in the mood for a photoshoot...i want to crawl around!
highlight of the day...
she doesn't even need to tp, just the roll
this is how i roll...
family father's day pic...with the scenic pirate ship background :-)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

flag day (observed)

This was Brent's 9th Annual Flag Day party. As you all know, Flag Day is on the 14th, but Monday parties are not so easy...thus Flag Day observed usually happens on one of the surrounding Saturdays. Last year Juliette was technically there, but this year she got to see and enjoy it. She also showed off her "shake your booty" dance, which impressed Brent and Kristine's friends.

my shirt says "i love sparklers", hers says "mommy's little sparkler"
we also have matching bows in our hair :-)
squirming from unkie B
i like the grass now :-)
antie K has a cool necklace
beer :-)

Hope you all had a fabulous Flag Day!