Monday, June 15, 2009

another busy weekend...**updated with pics**

Ok, so it seems like every weekend is busy, but there is a lot to get done before baby! Friday I actually took the day off of work and had a little express retreat at Spalon. I got a massage, manicure and blow out. Then Joey and I headed off to The U of M and Katrina's place for some preggo pics (which I will post when I get!! them!)

This one is my favorite!

We laughed through most of these ones :-)

my belly...35 weeks (5 to go!)

This one was supposed to look like an "album cover" but it really looks like I am scolding Joey and he is thinking about what he did...funny!

There are a few more you can see by going to Katrina's blog:
John was busy getting the dinner going and then Laura and Mark joined us all for dinner. It was a nice little night! It was a long day for Joey b/c he fell asleep in the car on the way home!

Saturday Joey golfed in the morning and my mom and I headed to Katrina and John's to watch their 3 kids for the day while they shot a wedding (it was our present for having their 3rd...they don't need anymore clothes, blankets, etc. so we figured daycare was the best). The first 30 minutes we were like, "how do you do 3?" and then we were fine. The interesting thing is it takes so long to do things that the times really flies! We barely got our cookie making done! Later that night I stopped at my parents for Brent's Annual Flag Day Party. The fireworks show was the highlight :-)

Sunday we woke up and cleaned a little in the morning and then met Joey's cousin and her husband for lunch. They are in town from London so it was nice to catch up. We sat out on the patio at WA Frost... perfect weather! Then we stopped by Baby on Grand to pick up a few things that had come in and went grocery shopping. Busy day! At night we were playing with some of the baby's fun to watch Joey because he talks like the baby is there :-) He is cute!

1 comment:

  1. he is going to be a fantastic dad, and you'll be a great mom! I can't wait for Juliette to get here.

    I can't thank you enough for that fabulous gift of babysitting. That was overly generous and fantastic.
