Wednesday, March 4, 2009

attention moms...

Before I start registering or just buying things, I want some advice...please leave a comment to this blog entry about your top 5 "must have/best" items, and 3 things you've never used (or were not worth the money). Thanks in advance for your help!!


  1. Most people say that a changing table is a waste of money, but we use ours all the time downstairs. With a two story house, having a diaper station both upstairs and down is very handy.

    We really didn't need:

    diaper wipe warmer
    special baby bath towels (they're cute, but don't dry well)
    expensive clothing (they grow out of it before they can wear it)
    baby bathtub
    the dumb grocery cart cover...seriously!
    diaper gene
    stuffed animals

    We use:

    super soft baby blankets
    toddler size chair (the kids are so proud they can climb into their own chair!)
    changing table
    CD player and soothing CDs in nursery
    Baby Bjorn (they ROCK! and are on ebay for cheap)
    books, lots of books!

    We only really bought the must haves at first (car seat, stroller, crib) and then added things (diaper bag, clothing, bath stuff) as we found we needed them. That saved us a ton of money, a lot of the MUST HAVES aren't really necessary unless you really want them.

    Hope this helps! Oh, the best things to ask for at your shower? Pregnancy massage, maid service (for right before you come home from the is so nice to come home to a sparkling clean house), dinners, and photography. Those are my top picks!

  2. Obv- I think the UPPA is a MUST HAVE. We spent the first week using it as a downstairs crib and rocking the baby in it. Also, I am really liking Pampers- which is the diaper that they used in our hospital, because they have this yellow stripe that turns blue when they need to be changed. The other brands seem crunchier and not as soft. I really like the Diaper Dekor- really easy to change the bag and it doesn't smell- yet.... I heard that they all stink if babies eat formula and when they eat real food and start having real poops. Annie has the diaper Geine(sp) and doesn't seem very impressed. I would invest in a bunch of the sleeper gowns- it is so annoying to try to snap a million leg snaps every time you have to change the baby- especially while they kick and scream bloody murder. It would have been nice to have more gowns.
    We have the Safety first digital monitor- which I think sucks and jeff thinks is really good. I guess they all kind of suck, I just don't like the fact that there is white noise feedback, and you need to charge it every night.
    I don't think you can have enough burp cloths, but my son is a PUKER-- we actually use the receiving blankets as burp cloths. They are only big enough to use for swadling for the first month anyway. I use the hospital ones because they are bigger- make sure you take a bunch of them home.
    I like the pampers wipes and I do not use a warmer- maybe that is why he screams???
    They tend to like whatever pacifier they try first, I was trying to avoid using one, so we didn't give him one until he really needed one- now he only uses it to calm down-which is good.
    he doesn't love the bouncy chair or the swing...yet- so we will see about that one.
    You need a million white onesies in newborn and 0-3. Oxy clean is a must for spit up stains. nice soft blankets are a must as well. i will write more if i can think of stuff. i am typing this one handed while breastfeeding so if there are typos- kiss it :)

  3. Fisher Price makes a cradle swing....this is a MUST I used it with all 3 (Emily still) and ALL my friends used it. I don't think I would of survived without it and that is what EVERYONE else says too. Wipe warmer no...been linked to fires (NY times). I will try to come up with some. Casey

  4. oh, something we've always wanted is the baby swing that goes side to side, not back and forth. And another thing we've never used is bibs, it is so much easier to just change onesies...and we didn't even have to do that a lot.

  5. Well said by the other moms! Absolutely no on the Diaper Genie. That thing is worthless. LOVE the Baby Bjorn and the side by side swing. Must get this book to answer all of your "worrying" questions along the way. My pediatrician actually uses it: Your Child's Health by Barton D. Schmitt. Here's the link:
    I am a fan of generic diapers and wipes. WAY cheaper and they do the same thing.
    Wipe warmer - only if you are raising a sissy.
    Must have one of those little bouncy chairs for them to sit in while you shower or bathe.
    Totally in sync with Kat (don't know her, but like her already) - just say NO to cute baby bath towels and robes. There is no point to them.
    Okay - no more.........yet!

  6. Things that we use a lot and/or appreciate:

    • Baby monitor (ours is a Graco great)
    • Diaper Champ (NOT the Diaper Genie) can use any bags
    * Boppy pillow (great for feeding..still use it!)
    • Boppy papasan chair
    • Baby Bjorn
    • Dr. Browns bottles
    • Warm thing for your car seat (wished I would’ve registered for a nice one like the JJ Cole Urban Bundle Me)
    • Diapers and wipes…our preferences below (Pampers Swaddlers/Cruisers and pampers sensitive wipes)
    • Red Cross pacifier thermometer..way easy!
    • Bumbo chair (w – tray) great first highchair
    • Nuk brand pacifiers
