Tuesday, March 31, 2009
baby kicking fund

Monday, March 30, 2009
I took a mini-vaca to Chicago this weekend. I left Thursday night and came home Sunday. I FINALLY got down to see Meghan's baby!!! In his pictures he was starting to look so big, but he was still little and cute when I got there :-) Also, such a GOOD baby...I need me one of those!
On Friday we had craft day and made these AWESOME onesies!!! I think when we were done we were literally so proud of ourselves that we couldn't even talk. There is this stuff where you can iron fabric onto fabric (which the lady at the store screwed up the first time, so we had to go back) and it is really cool. Meghan bought a bunch of white onesies and then we made designs with the fabrics. She also got out her sewing machine and did some stiching on some of the designs. Very Martha! Here are our finished products...

He was very smiley on Sunday when I had to leave, so I took this chance at getting in one more photo. He also gave me a BIG smile when I told him next time I saw him he would be meeting his future wife!
Pretty much, it was a great trip. I had an awesome time with the Poulsoms...wish they lived closer (but then maybe I wouldn't like them as much...haha jk Meg!).
p.s. While I was gone Joey was the bestest hubby! He cleaned the entire house...scrubbed floors, vacuumed, did laundry, made the bed, cleaned bathrooms!
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
more presents! ...and a brush with death

Monday, March 23, 2009
presents :-)

That's it for now! Have a nice Monday!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
self portrait at 23 weeks
Happy March Madness!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009
internet baby facts

Thursday, March 12, 2009
attention blog creepers...

Monday, March 9, 2009
the value of makeup...
Anyway, I'll be posting a weekly pic later this week with the tight shirt and fully makeuped face, but for now, here is a belly fix...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
attention moms...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
baby clothes

Monday, March 2, 2009
it's a girl!!!
So it's official! We're having a girl! The socks in the picture above are how we told my family. We had the ultrasound on Friday morning and then went to my parents house for lunch (Brent and Kristine met us there). Once everyone was there, we had them close their eyes and hold out their hands. We put a pink sock in each of their hands and counted to 3 (yeah, pretty dramatic!). Then they all opened their eyes and screaming/squealing ensued.
At that point in the day it still hadn't hit me. About 90% of you/people were guessing boy, and for a while I thought it was a boy, so I think I just came to expect that it would be a boy. At the ultrasound the lady asked if she could tell what it was did we want to know. I told her I wasn't leaving until we knew! Anyway, about 5 minutes in she said she thought it was a girl, but needed another angle. So we couldn't really react because we weren't sure...then about 15 minutes later she was able to find a good angle (shown below) and confirm that it's a girl. But it didn't really hit me, I think I was just in a daze. Part of me wanted a boy for Joey because I thought it would calm him in the whole process. However, by Friday night when we were laying in bed I said I was over him and I was happy that it was a girl! hehe.
proof that it's a girl:

Here are a few more pics from the ultrasound...this 3D stuff is pretty amazing! And I suppose I should also report that everything is measuring normal, levels are good, and all that stuff that you want to hear at the 20 wk ultrasound. My placenta is currently in front of my cervix, so I get another ultrasound at 26wks to make sure it has moved out of the way (so yay, free ultrasound!).
Finally, my mom stopped by on Saturday to drop off some soup (we had a little cold in our house), my pregnancy pillow present, AND these cute little cupcakes!! You can't tell, but the muffin cups also have Tinkerbell on them! Yay!