We had a busy week! On Tuesday Gramma Jule turned 50! We went over at about noon to spend most of the day with Gramma. For dinner Great Gramma and Grampa Unger came over, as did Unkie B and Antie K. Juliette was on her best behavior! She sat in her bouncer for all of dinner and just looked cute. Then after dinner she put on a show and rolled over on queue- it was pretty crazy! Here are some pics from the night:
how gramma feels about being 50:

juliette is learning gramma pose

and this is mommy's pose...

We also celebrated DOUBLE DIGITS yesterday... she is the big 1-0 (even if it is only in weeks!). Here are some pics from the photo shoot (this is probably her last time in my fav pj's of hers...):
she looks so long here!

daddy tried to put her arm around the lamb...not much luck

not sure what she is checking out here

a bit freaked out?
Ok, time to get ready for bed! (She's sleeping about 8-10 hours right now!!)
I like the Gramma pose myself!!!