Earlier in the day on Thursday we went out with Amy for some drinks for my mom's b-day (which is technically next Tuesday)...this was my first glass of wine in almost a year!!! (Juliette was with us, just not in the picture):

Weight 8lbs 11oz. (up 2 pounds from birth weight, in the 5th-10th percentile)
Height 22in (up 2.5 inches, in the 30th percentile)
Head 14.5 in (I don't really get why the measure this...)
how cute are the snoopy bandaids???

this was her RIGHT after the shots...not super happy

but once she got the paci...she was fine! and has been all day...really sleepy :-)

The doctor visit went well. She is still small, but gaining and growing at a good rate! After the visit we went to target and she slept most of the time. We cam home, she woke up to eat, and is napping again. No fever or reaction to the shots, so that is nice. Hopefully she has a good night and is ok tomorrow morning :-)
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