Joey and I had our date night on Saturday. We had a nice dinner at Koslak's and then went to a movie. I wanted to see the Informant (seeing as Matt Damon is on my list and it looked good), but Joey "heard" bad reviews and he would've been going into it with a bad we went to Surrogates. OMG...horrible. I seriously wanted to walk out. I just kept looking at Joey and rolling my eyes...seriously people, DO NOT go to this movie. Ok, enough on that. The concept of a date night was fun and I didn't have to worry b/c we left them with some decent (and free) babysitters! Here are the pics...
all dressed up and somewhere to go!

joey had to wear his "good" shoes!

babysitters! (not your typical hot 16 yr old...)

the best babysitters in the world! I'm jealous ;)