Most of you know I am pretty anal with money, and although I may look like I spend a lot, it's always on sale or some sort of awesome deal (learned that from dad!). I shop the ads, check the price per ounce, and use coupons. I also have my budget on a spreadsheet and don't spend what I don't have. I put away in "funds" before I take any spending money. It can be ridiculous. So when Joey and I got married and he had credit cards I was determined to cut them all up! (and I am talking credit cards in the sense where you USE them, not pay them off at the end of the month- those don't count). So even though he was annoyed with me and my pestering, he got them paid off last year- we even put the statement up on the fridge!! This year Meghan even sent me a "Happy Joey No Debt Day" on May 1st (the 1 yr anniversary of no debt) b/c she had put it in her calendar and knew it was an important date. Since then Joey has taken on my "funds" theory and has funds for golf, me, and his car. It has been working well. But what inspired this post was what he said this morning...he was at the computer while I was getting ready for work. He looked up and said, "I just did something that I never did before I met you." I didn't really know where he was going with this... but apparently he was looking for sandals and then he said, "Before you I would have just gone to Dick's because they were on sale, but I looked and they were cheaper at Kohl's, so know I have to go there." YAY!!! So maybe it saved like $5, but it was the principal!
On the baby front, 9 weeks left! Going to go to Baby Grand today to pick up a few things that came in :-)
I hope my present came- and by my present I mean the present that I got you....