Tuesday night we had our tour at the hospital. We'll be at St. John's- which is two stop signs from our house! Nothing too special, but they tell you where to park/drop off, where to get the wheelchair if you need it, show you a room (which I had just seen when Andrea was there), and show you how you can order your food. They also showed the little couch that pulls out into a bed for the dad. Then the tour lady looked at Joey and said if you're over 6 feet you'll be hanging over. I have told Joey that he can sleep at home since it's only 2 minutes away- except he has to stay the first night!
Wednesday night was the CDH graduation. Mychal graduated this year and my mom and I went (we were there for Alex's too). If you don't know who Alex and Mychal are, they were ushers in our wedding. Their dad is my boss and their mom is the one who threw my first shower. They are all pretty much like family. I nannied for the boys from the time I was 16 and have spent many weekends with them! I would always call them my kids, so it's nice that we were able to be at the graduation. Here is a pic of Mychal with the women:

Today I am going to get a pedicure with Casey. This may not seem like all that big of a deal, but weve been scheduling and rescheduling this since November, so it's probably going to be the best pedicure ever! I will not be posting a picture of my feet!
Tomorrow I have a hair appointment...cut and highlight. I am not going to go too "mom" here, but I haven't had my haircut since last July when we were in NYC, so there is plenty to cut without going pixie! Then Joey and I are going out for dinner b/c you have to when you get your hair did! We are also getting a storm door installed tomorrow, which really isn't that exciting to me but Joey is really excited!
Finally, Saturday and Sunday are my shower days! I am super pumped! Saturday is my family shower thrown by my cousins. It's going to be at my parent's house, so that will be really fun! Sunday I am crossing the river for my friend shower thrown by Laura and Katrina. I am sure Monday will be a post of MANY pictures!
Now quit reading my blog and go enjoy the sun!!
yeah- it is crappy here- Meghan