This is a bib that they made...they baby is super creepy looking if you really look at it...

C...for c-team, or clutch (on the front of hat)...Juliette on the back :-)

Clutch onesie...which I was secretly hoping they would get :-)
funny story...when I found out we were having a girl, I posted a pic of this dress on my facebook page (for the girls, not my real one) b/c it looks like a cute little tennis dress. I didn't say who made it, or where I found it...but they found it and got it for me! How adorable! It will be perfect for next summer!!

Normally I HATE shower games, but since I didn't have to play and was just entertained, this was pretty funny. Game #1...Pregnant Twister! They had to go in shifts :-)

The final 3...

Game #2 Stroller Obstacle Course. Notice the dolls in the strollers...
traffic jam...

Here is a video from the game showing why these girls will never babysit for me...
And perhaps, on of my most favorite things is the CD they played during the shower...and that I got to keep. I heard some of the songs during the shower, but when I listened to it in the car on the way home and heard each song, I laughed out loud MANY times...here are the songs:
Hit Me Baby One More Time- Britney Spears
Hey Juliet- LMNT
Check Yes Juliet- We the Kings
Baby Boy- Beyonce
Ice Ice Baby- Vanilla Ice
Push It- Salt N Pepa (I laughed pretty hard at this one...)
Love Story- Taylor Swift
Hey Baby- Bow Wow
Always Be My Baby- Mariah Carey
Hey Baby- No Doubt
Baby Baby- Amy Grant
Hey Baby- Bruce Channel (Dirty Dancing Soundtrack)
I Wanna Have Your Babies- Natasha Bedingfield
Baby Got Back- Sir Mix-a-Lot
Tell me that is not an awesome baby shower mix!!! I have been listening to it in the car and now I brought it into work to make me smile all day! So yeah, long post, but it was really fun. I think there were more girls at this shower than at an average practice! So thanks to the girls!
I totally had the song Push It in my head during labor =) This was a really creative shower...now the bar has been set really high!