Friday, May 29, 2009

cute cute cute

Last night I went for my pedicure with Casey (which was awesome), and then we went to dinner at Redstone in Eden Prairie. I was trying to learn about "that" side of the river! Our dinner was really good! We had a fondue app that was yummy and then I had a Waldorf salad, also delicious. But the reason for my quick post here is the cute cute cute little present that Casey brought me! They are personalized burp cloths that are monogrammed :-) I love them!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

busy little week...

This is probably one of my most busy weeks in a while...

Tuesday night we had our tour at the hospital. We'll be at St. John's- which is two stop signs from our house! Nothing too special, but they tell you where to park/drop off, where to get the wheelchair if you need it, show you a room (which I had just seen when Andrea was there), and show you how you can order your food. They also showed the little couch that pulls out into a bed for the dad. Then the tour lady looked at Joey and said if you're over 6 feet you'll be hanging over. I have told Joey that he can sleep at home since it's only 2 minutes away- except he has to stay the first night!

Wednesday night was the CDH graduation. Mychal graduated this year and my mom and I went (we were there for Alex's too). If you don't know who Alex and Mychal are, they were ushers in our wedding. Their dad is my boss and their mom is the one who threw my first shower. They are all pretty much like family. I nannied for the boys from the time I was 16 and have spent many weekends with them! I would always call them my kids, so it's nice that we were able to be at the graduation. Here is a pic of Mychal with the women:
Today I am going to get a pedicure with Casey. This may not seem like all that big of a deal, but weve been scheduling and rescheduling this since November, so it's probably going to be the best pedicure ever! I will not be posting a picture of my feet!
Tomorrow I have a hair appointment...cut and highlight. I am not going to go too "mom" here, but I haven't had my haircut since last July when we were in NYC, so there is plenty to cut without going pixie! Then Joey and I are going out for dinner b/c you have to when you get your hair did! We are also getting a storm door installed tomorrow, which really isn't that exciting to me but Joey is really excited!
Finally, Saturday and Sunday are my shower days! I am super pumped! Saturday is my family shower thrown by my cousins. It's going to be at my parent's house, so that will be really fun! Sunday I am crossing the river for my friend shower thrown by Laura and Katrina. I am sure Monday will be a post of MANY pictures!
Now quit reading my blog and go enjoy the sun!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is the view from the doorway:

Here is the crib...note, the sheet is NOT the right color, but I had to put one on (it's too violet/lavender-y)
Here is Joey straightening out the tv...he makes it crooked to make me angry- not cool :-)

All better! What nursery would be complete without a tv? (don't judge me!)

Right side of the room...the glider is the right color, but not the right size- the big one should be coming in this week sometime. I also moved the quilt rack into this room for all the blankies! Close up view of the dresser/hutch...again, not displayed like it wil be, but I just wanted to put some stuff in there to make it a little more colorful...

So that's what we have so far, and we're pretty happy with it. We just have to figure out how/what to do with curtains, as far as a color, etc. The sun can be pretty bright in there. I have two showers this weekend so there will be a lot more stuff to find space for and more organizing to do!! Yay! The pack n play is already downstairs in its place. Joey built a thing in the garage for the stroller to hang when it's all folded. There is not much else we can do right now!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

nice extra long weekend...

Haven't posted for a few days, but I did enjoy a nice LONG weekend. Friday I got a massage, and let me tell you it was awesome. Apparently some people get sick during massages when preggo, but luckily not me! I had one back in March and I have another one scheduled for next month. I asked the girl how close to my due date I could keep getting them and she said right up until I was in labor! So whoo hoo! I got a giftcard from Joey so I have been using that up! He said he would refill it though!

Friday night we had a date night (again, the internet says that it's good to have dates when you're preggo). We went to Crave in the Galleria...mmm! Joey also wanted to go to Tiffany's to get me a "two months to go" present. I said he was setting himself up for having to get me a "one month to go" present! Actually, when we were in New York back in February he saw this piggy bank he wanted to get me, but we didn't know boy/girl at that point (and it was either pink or blue). So anyway, on Friday he bought Juliette her first piggy bank! Here it is...

Saturday I went on a walk with my mom while Joey was golfing. When Joey got home we went out to see his brother's new place, Macy's for some shopping, and Babies R Us to get a few things. Then we grilled on Saturday night. Sunday I went on a walk around the lake with my parents while Joey went to check out his brothers new place again and give some advice. Sunday afternoon and night we played in the nursery!! (Long story short, I don't have the pics...confusion about where the camera is/was...all figured out and tomorrow will be a nursery photo shoot post!!). Yesterday we poked around some more in the nursery, then went to my parents for a BBQ. Pretty low key day.

So that's it for our weekend. Nothing too exciting to post, but tomorrow I will have lots of pics!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Being Pregnant...

Things I WILL miss:

1. Not having to unzip my pants when I go to the bathroom

2. Eating whatever I want without feeling guilty

3. People always asking about how I am doing

4. Feeling her move around

5. Setting up the nursery and buying all the new stuff

Things I WILL NOT miss:

1. My complexion

2. My boobs getting bigger (they don't hurt, but I have to buy new bras...)

3. Looking over my shoulder when driving (apparently I turn my whole body and that twisting is getting harder and harder)

4. Peeing 10 times a day

5. Waiting for her to get here!!!

I am sure I could make these lists longer, and they will probably change in the next few weeks, so maybe I'll have some more lists as time goes on!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 random non-baby things

two random thoughts for today...

1. How long should you wait to hold the door for someone? You know, you can hear them behind you but you're not sure if you should hold the door for 5 seconds or try to speed up and get through the door in a fast enough amount of time so that it doesn't seem like you were rude by NOT holding the door. Also, if you see someone carrying a bunch of stuff, should you speed up to help them open the door, or wait extra long for them? Or if someone is holding the door for you, do you have to speed up so they're not holding it for too long? I usually think about this a few times a week when I am walking into my building. Also, if there is a double set of doors, do you say "thank you" twice, or just after they open the second door (this thought came to me today when the guy didn't say "thank you" EITHER time as the preggo girl held the door open for him).

2. Using the International "THANK YOU" sign when driving. This has been a pet peeve of mine since I could drive, maybe even before. How hard is it to give a little wave when someone lets you in??? It is especially bad when you make a real effort to let them in, and nothing. I don't expect it every time someone merges on to the freeway, but if I obviously am doing you a favor...put your hand up and give a little wave- it's not like you have to even make eye contact. I can still remember one day when I let two people in (about five minutes apart) and they BOTH gave the little was so nice! Well, eventually there was a third person (a half hour later or so) who wanted to be let in and I considered NOT letting him in because if he didn't give the "wave" I would've been pissed and it would've ruined the other two. I risked it- and he waved! Whoo hoo! Three in a row...obviously it was a big deal b/c I still remember it! It still can change my mood when someone does or doesn't give the "wave". So make sure when you're driving today to thank all the people who let you cut the off :-) (note: I usually give the wave from inside the car and wait until I know they can see windows aren't down that much, but this was the only pic I could find!)

Monday, May 18, 2009

fun things

here are a few fun things from the weekend...

1. On Friday I went to Baby Grand to pick up some stuff that came in...we got the changer, bedding (which turned out awesome!!) , nursing stool, and my present from Meghan (b/c she can't make it up to my showers). It was fun to get some new things...
Changer (really in espresso...)
Stroller from Meghan (it's the lightweight uppa from my baby grand registry, i got the cupholder for my big uppa too!). Joey really wanted black :-)

2. Our furniture is in and will be delivered TOMORROW! So by the end of this weekend, the nursery should be a LOT closer to being done and I can take some pics. I am excited to see some of it come together!
3. Joey and I had a nice little Sunday...he worked out while I grocery shopped, then we went to a movie, came home and did some online baby class stuff, went on a walk, grilled, and went to bed. Pretty much a perfect day!
That's all I have to update from this weekend, nothing too exciting, but thought I should get a little post up. Also, I think this week's belly shot will be a big one...I feel HUGE today!
p.s. two months from yesterday!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

bonus post...with picture!

I don't usually do two entries in one day, but I had a few more things to share...

1. OUR FURNITURE IS IN!!! whoo hoo! It is going to be delivered early next week! Hopefully with the long memorial day weekend we can get stuff close to finished :-)

2. My baby is ALL on my right side right I look lopsided from across the room!

3. Here is a pic of me at 31 weeks...Joey took the pic this morning since he was home! Meghan said it was the one where I looked the most round so I should post it.

so proud!!

This morning I felt like a proud parent...not to Juliette, but to Joey :-)

Most of you know I am pretty anal with money, and although I may look like I spend a lot, it's always on sale or some sort of awesome deal (learned that from dad!). I shop the ads, check the price per ounce, and use coupons. I also have my budget on a spreadsheet and don't spend what I don't have. I put away in "funds" before I take any spending money. It can be ridiculous. So when Joey and I got married and he had credit cards I was determined to cut them all up! (and I am talking credit cards in the sense where you USE them, not pay them off at the end of the month- those don't count). So even though he was annoyed with me and my pestering, he got them paid off last year- we even put the statement up on the fridge!! This year Meghan even sent me a "Happy Joey No Debt Day" on May 1st (the 1 yr anniversary of no debt) b/c she had put it in her calendar and knew it was an important date. Since then Joey has taken on my "funds" theory and has funds for golf, me, and his car. It has been working well. But what inspired this post was what he said this morning...he was at the computer while I was getting ready for work. He looked up and said, "I just did something that I never did before I met you." I didn't really know where he was going with this... but apparently he was looking for sandals and then he said, "Before you I would have just gone to Dick's because they were on sale, but I looked and they were cheaper at Kohl's, so know I have to go there." YAY!!! So maybe it saved like $5, but it was the principal!

On the baby front, 9 weeks left! Going to go to Baby Grand today to pick up a few things that came in :-)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

rumors/facts about pregnancy that don't apply to me

1. You will have the "pregnant glow". Apparently this has something to do with your hormones and everything and making your skin clear up, giving the illusion of a "glow". My skin is worse than it has ever been and it's quite annoying.

2. Your boobs will hurt. This is supposed to be one of the first signs/symptoms of pregnancy, but I never had it. They are getting bigger and I need a new bra, but they don't hurt ( I know they probably will when I breastfeed).

3. The first movements will feel like a flutter or butterflies. Nope, it was a kick, and Joey was there so that was cool. Also, now it sometimes feels like shes doing the worm when she's moving.

4. Cravings/Adversions. Haven't had any major craving or food aversions. I hear someone talk about something and I think, "mmm, sounds good" but I don't need it RIGHT then. I also haven't hated anything I liked before...seems like lot of people dont like chicken.

5. My hair is not any thicker. Boo...I was hoping this would kick in, but nothing...

Thats all for today. Nothing too exciting happening. Tomorrow is 31 weeks, or as I like to say 9 weeks left!! Single digits people :-)

Monday, May 11, 2009

nothing says happy first almost mother's day like...

presents :-) hehe I feel like I am cheating by getting to call this my first mother's day and then next year it will be my first REAL one :-) Oh well, I am all about celebrating things! I was very spoiled this year... Joey got me 2 super soft blankets for the baby. One is about security blanket size and the other is tummy time size. They are ridiculously soft!! They are this eggplant color that I really like. He was so excited to give them to me (he had been at my parents on Friday when he got them and was telling my dad about them), which makes me loves them even more. He does such a good job with "thinking" about all of his presents. The eggplant is the one on the bottom, but in real life it's a deeper purple...
My parents also chipped in with a decent gift...a Jimmy Choo clutch! They were in Vegas and found a pretty sweet deal. At first when then called to ask me about a hypothetical mother's day gift I was thinking I could use something for baby, but then I thought about all the websites that say when you're feeling fat and crummy (which technically, I am really not...) that you should buy accessories or get your hair did. So then, I thought, "what the hell, I would love a really expensive clutch!" And you know what, I do love it! Here it is, it's a champagne gold color (looks kinda silver in person, but it's not):
Yesterday we had both sets of parents and siblings over to grill for mother's day. It's always a bit of a stressor for, because we really don't have enough space for it, and two, combining families is not my thing, which makes Joey stressed. It went well, but I don't think it's something that we'll do that often. It's just hard to relax and enjoy things when you're worrying about everyone being comfortable. I did get a funny card from Brent and Kristine...something about being a dorky mom (so you can tell which one picked out the card). I am taking it as a compliment!
Hope all of you mommies had a great mother's day!

Friday, May 8, 2009

30 weeks down, 10 to go

I am 75% done...with my pregnancy, not with everything I need to get done before she arrives!

All of the "big" things around the house are done and we feel pretty good about that. We're just waiting for the furniture to arrive so we can fix up the nursery a bit and get some things put away. I have two showers left at the end of this month that I am really excited for... and after that I think I will start going crazy with the waiting! I tried to make my May/June schedule light, but- as usual- it seems to be filling up with events! It's that time of year for graduation open houses, mother's/father's day, and trying to fit in one last visit with friends before I pop! They are all fun events so hopefully they will just help the time pass. Joey and I also have some baby classes scheduled and a tour of the hospital, so we'll keep busy.

Today I had my 30 week appointment and everything is good/normal. It feels like things have been going smoothly (which is good) but also make me nervous like, "something has to happen here". In five more weeks when I am huge and it's 80 degrees I am sure I will have a different opinion on how things are going :-)

So here is me at work today (after my donut!). I would like to point out that when I asked my mom to take the picture she reminded me that I didn't have makeup on :-) I told her it was a shower or makeup, and today the shower won...

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Count Choculitis

Dwight Schrute: The problem, Jim, is that people who are really suffering from a medical condition won't receive the care they need because someone in this office is coming up with ridiculous stuff. Count Choculitis.
Jim Halpert: Sounds Tough.
Dwight Schrute: Why did you write that down, Jim? Is it because you know I love Count Chocula?

No, I do not have Count Choculitis, but...

Dwight Schrute: Someone forged medical information, and that's a felony.
Jim Halpert: OK, Whoa, alright 'cause that's a pretty intense accusation. How do you know that they're fake?
Dwight Schrute: [reading from a sheet] Uh, Leprosy, Flesh Eating Bacteria, Hot Dog Fingers, Government Created Killer Nano Robot Infection.

I think I may have hot dog fingers! I went to put my ring on this morning and it was pretty tight. I get nervous with tight rings (like I'll never be able to get them off), so I switched to a different, bigger ring that fits a bit better. I will miss wearing my wedding ring!

Monday, May 4, 2009

clutch shower

Well, it happened! The clutch girls pulled off their first attempt at a baby shower. They admittingly had no idea what they were doing, but with some googling, they found some game ideas and got some food together! I was super impressed with the turnout- better than at our practices! I will just start putting some pictures up and explaining'll get the idea!

This is a bib that they made...they baby is super creepy looking if you really look at it...

C...for c-team, or clutch (on the front of hat)...Juliette on the back :-)

Clutch onesie...which I was secretly hoping they would get :-)

funny story...when I found out we were having a girl, I posted a pic of this dress on my facebook page (for the girls, not my real one) b/c it looks like a cute little tennis dress. I didn't say who made it, or where I found it...but they found it and got it for me! How adorable! It will be perfect for next summer!!

Normally I HATE shower games, but since I didn't have to play and was just entertained, this was pretty funny. Game #1...Pregnant Twister! They had to go in shifts :-)

The final 3...

Game #2 Stroller Obstacle Course. Notice the dolls in the strollers...

traffic jam...

Here is a video from the game showing why these girls will never babysit for me...

And perhaps, on of my most favorite things is the CD they played during the shower...and that I got to keep. I heard some of the songs during the shower, but when I listened to it in the car on the way home and heard each song, I laughed out loud MANY are the songs:
Hit Me Baby One More Time- Britney Spears
Hey Juliet- LMNT
Check Yes Juliet- We the Kings
Baby Boy- Beyonce
Ice Ice Baby- Vanilla Ice
Push It- Salt N Pepa (I laughed pretty hard at this one...)
Love Story- Taylor Swift
Hey Baby- Bow Wow
Always Be My Baby- Mariah Carey
Hey Baby- No Doubt
Baby Baby- Amy Grant
Hey Baby- Bruce Channel (Dirty Dancing Soundtrack)
I Wanna Have Your Babies- Natasha Bedingfield
Baby Got Back- Sir Mix-a-Lot
Tell me that is not an awesome baby shower mix!!! I have been listening to it in the car and now I brought it into work to make me smile all day! So yeah, long post, but it was really fun. I think there were more girls at this shower than at an average practice! So thanks to the girls!