Friday, May 29, 2009
cute cute cute

Thursday, May 28, 2009
busy little week...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here is the crib...note, the sheet is NOT the right color, but I had to put one on (it's too violet/lavender-y)
Here is Joey straightening out the tv...he makes it crooked to make me angry- not cool :-)
All better! What nursery would be complete without a tv? (don't judge me!)
Right side of the room...the glider is the right color, but not the right size- the big one should be coming in this week sometime. I also moved the quilt rack into this room for all the blankies! Close up view of the dresser/hutch...again, not displayed like it wil be, but I just wanted to put some stuff in there to make it a little more colorful...
So that's what we have so far, and we're pretty happy with it. We just have to figure out how/what to do with curtains, as far as a color, etc. The sun can be pretty bright in there. I have two showers this weekend so there will be a lot more stuff to find space for and more organizing to do!! Yay! The pack n play is already downstairs in its place. Joey built a thing in the garage for the stroller to hang when it's all folded. There is not much else we can do right now!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
nice extra long weekend...
Friday night we had a date night (again, the internet says that it's good to have dates when you're preggo). We went to Crave in the Galleria...mmm! Joey also wanted to go to Tiffany's to get me a "two months to go" present. I said he was setting himself up for having to get me a "one month to go" present! Actually, when we were in New York back in February he saw this piggy bank he wanted to get me, but we didn't know boy/girl at that point (and it was either pink or blue). So anyway, on Friday he bought Juliette her first piggy bank! Here it is...
Saturday I went on a walk with my mom while Joey was golfing. When Joey got home we went out to see his brother's new place, Macy's for some shopping, and Babies R Us to get a few things. Then we grilled on Saturday night. Sunday I went on a walk around the lake with my parents while Joey went to check out his brothers new place again and give some advice. Sunday afternoon and night we played in the nursery!! (Long story short, I don't have the pics...confusion about where the camera is/was...all figured out and tomorrow will be a nursery photo shoot post!!). Yesterday we poked around some more in the nursery, then went to my parents for a BBQ. Pretty low key day.
So that's it for our weekend. Nothing too exciting to post, but tomorrow I will have lots of pics!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Being Pregnant...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
2 random non-baby things
1. How long should you wait to hold the door for someone? You know, you can hear them behind you but you're not sure if you should hold the door for 5 seconds or try to speed up and get through the door in a fast enough amount of time so that it doesn't seem like you were rude by NOT holding the door. Also, if you see someone carrying a bunch of stuff, should you speed up to help them open the door, or wait extra long for them? Or if someone is holding the door for you, do you have to speed up so they're not holding it for too long? I usually think about this a few times a week when I am walking into my building. Also, if there is a double set of doors, do you say "thank you" twice, or just after they open the second door (this thought came to me today when the guy didn't say "thank you" EITHER time as the preggo girl held the door open for him).
2. Using the International "THANK YOU" sign when driving. This has been a pet peeve of mine since I could drive, maybe even before. How hard is it to give a little wave when someone lets you in??? It is especially bad when you make a real effort to let them in, and nothing. I don't expect it every time someone merges on to the freeway, but if I obviously am doing you a favor...put your hand up and give a little wave- it's not like you have to even make eye contact. I can still remember one day when I let two people in (about five minutes apart) and they BOTH gave the little wave...it was so nice! Well, eventually there was a third person (a half hour later or so) who wanted to be let in and I considered NOT letting him in because if he didn't give the "wave" I would've been pissed and it would've ruined the other two. I risked it- and he waved! Whoo hoo! Three in a row...obviously it was a big deal b/c I still remember it! It still can change my mood when someone does or doesn't give the "wave". So make sure when you're driving today to thank all the people who let you cut the off :-) (note: I usually give the wave from inside the car and wait until I know they can see it...my windows aren't down that much, but this was the only pic I could find!)
Monday, May 18, 2009
fun things

Friday, May 15, 2009
bonus post...with picture!

so proud!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
rumors/facts about pregnancy that don't apply to me
2. Your boobs will hurt. This is supposed to be one of the first signs/symptoms of pregnancy, but I never had it. They are getting bigger and I need a new bra, but they don't hurt ( I know they probably will when I breastfeed).
3. The first movements will feel like a flutter or butterflies. Nope, it was a kick, and Joey was there so that was cool. Also, now it sometimes feels like shes doing the worm when she's moving.
4. Cravings/Adversions. Haven't had any major craving or food aversions. I hear someone talk about something and I think, "mmm, sounds good" but I don't need it RIGHT then. I also haven't hated anything I liked before...seems like lot of people dont like chicken.
5. My hair is not any thicker. Boo...I was hoping this would kick in, but nothing...
Thats all for today. Nothing too exciting happening. Tomorrow is 31 weeks, or as I like to say 9 weeks left!! Single digits people :-)
Monday, May 11, 2009
nothing says happy first almost mother's day like...

Friday, May 8, 2009
30 weeks down, 10 to go

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Count Choculitis

Jim Halpert: Sounds Tough.
Dwight Schrute: Why did you write that down, Jim? Is it because you know I love Count Chocula?
Jim Halpert: OK, Whoa, alright 'cause that's a pretty intense accusation. How do you know that they're fake?
Dwight Schrute: [reading from a sheet] Uh, Leprosy, Flesh Eating Bacteria, Hot Dog Fingers, Government Created Killer Nano Robot Infection.
Monday, May 4, 2009
clutch shower

C...for c-team, or clutch (on the front of hat)...Juliette on the back :-)

Clutch onesie...which I was secretly hoping they would get :-)
funny story...when I found out we were having a girl, I posted a pic of this dress on my facebook page (for the girls, not my real one) b/c it looks like a cute little tennis dress. I didn't say who made it, or where I found it...but they found it and got it for me! How adorable! It will be perfect for next summer!!

Normally I HATE shower games, but since I didn't have to play and was just entertained, this was pretty funny. Game #1...Pregnant Twister! They had to go in shifts :-)

Game #2 Stroller Obstacle Course. Notice the dolls in the strollers...
traffic jam...