WOW! We got a lot done in a short weekend! Both Juliette and I are pooped! Friday morning we left for Chicago to go visit Meghan, Jeff, and Harrison. The car ride down wasn't that bad. Juliette took her morning nap a little late so then the afternoon nap was late (and shorter), but she still did awesome. When we first got to Chicago we stopped at another friend from high school's house, Jess. She lives about 10 minutes from Meghan. She has a daughter who is 2 1/2 and is named Grace...they will be going to DW the exact same time we are this year, so we went to play and talk about Disney :-) Juliette did awesome considering the short nap and the fact that it was time for dinner. Apparently, new toys and a plce to check out can trump dinner! I didn't bring my camera in though, so no pics of that :-( We will make sure to take some in Disney! I'll take you through the rest of the weekend in pictures...
nap on the car ride down

bath time!

picking out toys


fun at the library

playing with legos for daddy!

kiss #1...yeah, open mouth and eyes closed...a little advanced...

more kissing

ok, so meghan is preggo and that might explain her brain...she went to put cupakes in the oven but there already WERE cupcakes in the oven, so the first row of the top pan got a little messed up. she didn't want to talk about it :-)

working on converting him

mom, are you sure this is gonna make me fly?

Super H!

trick-or-treating in downtown highland park

picture with a purpose of the trip

moms and babies
**i took this pic off because meghan vetoed it...although i still think it was cute and it was the only picture of the 4 of us. if you want to see it secretly (don't tell meghan) you can just email me! ha!**
practicing for her handprints when she's famous

my favorite

so big!

happy halloween!

more kisses!

she LOVES playing in the wagon

trying to get a snack with her gloves on

you try getting a picture of two kids... (I made her a jumper and H pants so they would match) funny

ride home...this is also how I felt, but I had to drive!

So we had a great trip and really got a lot done in a short amount of time. Next time we see the Poulsom's, baby Grace will be here and I am sure it will get even more hectic!
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