Sunday, July 10, 2011

Party #2 Mommy's Buddies

Party #2. This could probably be dubbed mommy's party :-) This was mostly my friends and their kids! It was on Sunday and the heat index was about 100 degrees, which you can get a feel for from the faces of the kids in the pics. I didn't take a ton of pics myself this party because my awesome photographer friends were there to help out! Here are some snippets from party #2...

juliette and danielle (ok, juliette actually knows danielle from swimming, so that was nice)

gracie helping danielle and juliette find some treasure
juliette eating with cooper, lucy, joe and ainsley this is what hot looks like not so much into blowing out the candles the fam on the ship credit to studio laguna for this one...could be an ad for my pirate pop! credit to studio laguna for this one too! a group shot...all the kids on the ship, most of them in the shot :-)

Things I learned from party #2:

1. Mid-day July is hot (tehnically, i knew this, but this was a serious reminder...)

2. The best money I spent was on $1 water bottles at the store for the kids to squirt

3. Have someone take pictures for you so you don't have to worry about it (Thanks John and Katrina)

4. Have helpers for the food, etc. (Thanks mom, dad, B & K)
5. Take pictures of all the details you did so you can document them together!! I didn't get any pics of the map or the goodie bags...oh well

6. Just have one party :-)

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