Wednesday, March 16, 2011

somewhat top ten

Ok, this isn't a traditional "Top Ten" list, but there are so many things that I have been wanting to blog about and just haven't had the time to organize it all how I want, so it's going to come in the form of a long rant...aka jaclyn style...

1. Sick. We've spent a lot of the last few weeks sick...luckily not Joey, but Juliette and I went back and forth. She got sick around Valentine's Day, I got sick the next few weeks, and then it went back to her. She had a fever that stuck around for a while, but she is a really good "sick" kid so we're lucky (as usual). It's just nice to have her healthy and happy again!

2. Busy Busy Busy. That's my life. Sometimes I think about slowing down, but then I realize that that just isn't me. I don't know if I ever could/will slow down. In my latest effort to not slow down, I have decided to sell Lia Sophia jewelry. Why? I don't know...I like the jewelry, and usually I am more of a buyer, but for a few nights work a month I could cover Juliette's activity fees :-) And parties are if you have any interest in having one, let me know!

3. New York. That's right, Joey and I are taking our first non-Juliette trip next month! We're super excited, but I will admit that when I clicked the button to purchase our airline tickets I got a little teary! Juliette is going to have a nice little vacation of her own with Gramma and Papa.

4. Crafts. There are SO many things that I want to do/make!! My current random thing I would like to make is a step stool for Juliette. Oh, I know it would be cheaper and easier to buy it...

5. Party. Yes, I am already thinking of Juliette's Birthday Party...I mean, hello, it's her GOLDEN birthday! Too bad she won't remember it, but I am excited to see all her little friends together and more interaction between the kids! (ok, my kid. last year people with older kids had some interaction, but now Juliette will be able to walk around and play too!)

6. Joey. I love him. I really think we have done a good job of having date nights (thanks mom and dad) and keeping some "us" time during our first years of parenting. We are also doing little things for each other and just always smiling. It's so fun to still be like that! I just love him.

7. Joey. This one is in reference to him as a daddy. Man, this is so fun for me to watch.

8. Baby Fever. April 2012 people...haha. I have lots of friends preggo and it's getting me excited. Hopefully round two won't be so hard for us :-)

9. Words! Ahhh, she has so many words right now and they are just extra cute when she says them! It is SO FUN to watch her learn more words, understand more things, and just communicate. She is getting so big! And so smart...not like, "oh my kid is a genius", because I know all kids learn words, but it's just fun watching her learn and be proud.

10. Emotional. I guarantee you I am not preggo right now, but for the last few months I have been super emotional. I can't watch any show with any parental undertone with out wondering, "What would I do?" or, "What is Juliette going to do in this situation?" and then crying thinking about how difficult life really can be! I can't even sing "Happy Birthday" at kids parties because I want to cry (out of happiness). This parenting is going to be a lot of tears...good and bad!!

1 comment:

  1. Right there with you on #10! Once you have babies to "worry about" it is hard to keep it together just watching the darn news. I totally know what you mean......
