Saturday was a busy day in the Davern house! Juliette wasn't feeling that great, but she was a trooper all day! We woke up in the morning and went and got Joey a new car... yes, another Cadillac. He is very happy. It's his first new NEW that is fun for him. I have never been a huge Caddy fan, but at least this one is a little more sporty, and less oceanliner :-) It also has AWD, which is what he really wanted, and a dunroof for some fun. His payment is also the same as his old car and it saved us from having to buy new tires (and tabs were due this month too!). Here is a pic I got on the on black...
So we got done with all the car stuff around lunch and went home for nap time (when mommy escaped for a nice mani/pedi/blow-out at the salon). Then we brought Juliette over to hang with Gramma (and special guests Unkie B and Antie K) for the night while we went out to our Valentine's Day dinner. But first we made a quick pit stop at Golf Galaxy for Joey's present from me...a new driver:
Joey's present for me was a new pair of earrings in a little blue box...good work!
This year for Valentine's Day we went out to Murray's with Noelle and's a late wedding gift since I have accepted that fact that I am pretty sure I threw their gift away (it was wrapped in tissue paper and in a Macy's bag...which I have been known to use for trash). Oh well, they got a BETTER gift!! It was a super fun night! Noelle said she had just read something about how gifts are better given as "experiences", which I agree much fun! Here are some pics from our night:

all dolled jeans :-)

the first bite...her reaction: "shit, that's good steak!"

with our (finished) bottle of wine

happy couples! 

final photo op 

Looking back...this was kind of the "Day of Joey" car, golf club, and steak. That guy is spoiled!! So am I :-)
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