We've been sick. Juliette was sick and had her cough going quite well for a few (sleepless) nights. So the beginning of last week was rough, not much sleep for anyone! We even took a trip to the doctor, which mommy is usually against, but two nights of no sleep can change a persons mind! The dr gave us a perscription for a cough supressant, which I know they say is ineffective in kids under 2 and even under 6, but not this kid! Thank god that it helped her get some sleep!! Then, mommy got a little bug, and it carried over to this week, but I have been managing fine because that's what mommy's do! We're tough! (Luckily dad hasn't caught anything!).
I also had to take off Monday and Tuesday since daycare was closed (cool side story...Karen, my daycare provider, got to go to DW with her daughter and daughters family for a Wishes and More trip. Her grandaughter, Kylie, has Tuberous Sclerosis, and was granted a trip...sooooo cool!!). SO it was kinda of a bummer that my forced vacation included me being sick and a snowstrom keeping us from doing much, but that kid of ours is just so damn cute that I got over it :-) Here are a few pics...
eating off of her new big girl plate
watching the mixer when mom was making bread

ok, we did get out for a quick trip to the mall :-)