This has been a LONG week. Monday was Joey's Grandpa's funeral, which was tough enough before we got the call from daycare that Juliette was I had to go pick her up and miss the church part of the funeral, but my mom was able to sit at home with Juliette so I could go back for the luncheon and burial part to be with Joey. (Thanks, mom). Later that afternoon, I brought Juliette into the doctor because she spiked a fever and had a cough for a few days, so I figured it was just best to have her looked at...which actually was cool because our doctor was booked, but we got into him anyway :-) I felt like a celebrity!! She checked out fine...figures!! And then she slept fine on Monday night...not one cough. So weird. Tuesday night she coughed a few times, but then fell right asleep and didn't wake up at all! She's good and just has a few boogs, but the cough is gone so I am happy! Wednesday I went into work at less than the time I got home that night I (not my kid) had a temp of 102...nyquill it is. Thursday morning my fever was gone, so we went to swimming and to play with our friend Danielle. Then Juliette took a nice 3 and a half hour long nap so that mommy could get some rest too! The best part of it was taking our temperatures...grampa steve-o's new fancy thermometer was a hit with Juliette!!
she loved to take her temp...
and doug's temp...

and the baby's temp :-)

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