Just be happy I am not posting a picture of her actual poop (Brent, you should be proud of me!). However, the potty above is the one I bought (because it was on clearance at Target and it had a toilet paper holder). I have done no research and have no intention of really starting potty training with her just yet, but I have been trying to just get her to be aware of what goes on in the bathroom. She seems to like the routine part of doing it with me. I put the potty in my bathroom, where she takes her bath. So every night when I'd take her in for bath, I would ask if she wanted to sit on the potty and she would say, "no" (in the CUTEST little voice). So then we just did bath...
...until a few nights ago she when showed some interest in sitting on it. Cool. Then tonight Joey did bath a little early and she was all in her night diaper and jammies and I saw the "poop face". Which, might I add, is one of my favorite faces...it just cracks (hahaha) me up! ANYWAY, I asked her if she was pooping and if she wanted to sit on the potty and she walked over to the bathroom. I had to unbutton the jammies and take off the night diaper and sit her down (half way through her poop), and then she finished her business. So then she stood up to look at it and when she turned her butt rubbed against the wall and we had poop wall! (again, you're welcome for not posting a picture...although I was SUPER tempted). Then she wanted to put her hand in and grab it. I guess she likes poop! So that was our first poop story we had to share!
On a side note, while looking for an image of her potty, I found some other really cool ones that I want to get...they play music and cheer and have a flusher type thing. Who knew baby potties would be so cool?!?