I love traditions. I like them because they are always fun to look forward to and you don't have to try and think up new things all the time. Last year when Rian and I turned 30 (for the record he is two days older), we got all the cousins together for an Ichiban's dinner. We loved it so much, we did it again this year. So now it is a tradition!!
Brent & Kristine

Bryan & Elizabeth

Noelle & Rian

Joey and me

Panda Watch!!

FIRE! it looks like it is coming from the panda...also, note the expressions on everyone's faces!


birthday sundaes...noelle got grandfathered in

We asked someone to take our pic...Kristine got cut off...

so we took another one :-)

We had a really nice time and talked about our upcoming DW trip, where we also have reservations for some teppanyaki in Epcot in Japan :-) We also stayed long enough that the "Happy Bird-day" guy came by to sing for us :-)
and after we said our good byes...we ran into eachother again in the parking ramp. we stopped on every floor to look for the fastner/heaslip car and it was right by us :-)

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