No, this is not the category from the trivia game on Friends (if you don't get that reference, just ignore). So today was a long day at work, which I usually don't blog about, but I just feel like I've been working a ton and treading water. I really want to get on top of things and feel like I am not working from behind. Anyway, when I was leaving work today I was frustrated and felt like I just needed a good cry (which I have never felt before). I was on my way to pick up Juliette from daycare and was just crabby and angry...then something in the backseat moved and triggered a toy that plays "You Are My Sunshine". So then I cried...not the angry frustrated tears, but the "you-know-what-it's-really-not-that-bad-because-I-have-the-best-baby-ever" tears. She is magical. And I am very lucky!
Dad would be proud of your use of quotation marks. You should have used them around "magical" as well.