Tuesday, August 3, 2010


No, we didn't move houses...I wish...but we moved offices!!! I don't talk about work much on this blog, but things have been changing around the Green Mill Corp office! In June, Chris sold GMR to Paul and another investor and retired from the GMR side of things (he still has the rights to the frozen foods divisions and is working on expanding that). So now Paul is our CEO and my mom got promoted to President!!! It was actually in the business section a few days ago and it's been fun to watch people call and congratulate her and everything...she deserves it! I am so proud of her!

This is what was in the Pioneer Press Business section...for those of you who don't read it :-) (I know it's hard to read, but the point is it was in the paper...)

We were thinking of a new title for me, and Vice Pres was out of the question since I enjoy vacationing/flying with her (and several other reasons I suppose...), that wasn't really going to work. However, my new title is most appropriate and I would like to stay at this level forever...Controller :-) Doesn't it just seem like that title was made for me? haha

So "the move" was my deal...and it was a lot of work!! We technically moved on Friday the 30th, so that week I was at work until 11:30 the 3 nights before the move, came into work on Sunday from 3-11 (with a dinner and bathtime break at home), and came back again Monday night after the kids were both in bed :-) The actual move day on Friday was the most stressful, but I would like to say that I did an awesome job! We're still working on getting settled, but once we're done done...it will be awesome! I didn't even mention the best part...we're back on Grand!! We're above the St. Paul Green Mill and Twisted Fork (and let me tell you the option to have pancakes everyday is not going to help my figure!). So yeah, if you're ever in the neighborhood, come join me for lunch!

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