Sunday, August 29, 2010

creamy cone

A few block from my parents house is a little ice cram place called Creamy Cone. After dinner on Sunday, Gramma Jule and I took Juliette down for a little treat (the walking makes up for the calories!)

watching a little boy eat his ice cream...waiting for hers!


waving and eating...not the best pic, but she was happy!

She was also doing the sign for "more" as soon as we gave her a bite. It was cute.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Yeah, I went back to the fair Friday night to see Boyz II Men at the free stage! It was really fun...kinda cool to see them (or I should say hear them...we were in the back). I feel like now I get to see all the people I missed out on as a kid (ie NKOTB a few years ago). Here are the girls before the show started, Brent and Rian were there too- just not in the pic:

whooo! Elizabeth is a VERY intense dancer

This group of people jumpoed out of the crowd and started dancing- it was crazy good. Found out they are professionals and actually perform by the GM stage everyday!

Friday, August 27, 2010

State Fair 2010

Oh, I love the fair. Joey, not so much. I think he is scarred from working the cheese curd stand in the food building in his early teens (in a size small t-shirt). But, since Juliette is older this year, he decided to join us at the great minnesota get together! We went after her morning nap, and stayed until about 3 (she did go down for her nap at 1 and slept for a little over an hour, which was good considering all the noise). When we got home, we had nap, round 2 :-) Here is our day at the fair:
all set to go

oh no, that lady is NOT wearing that!

first stop was the pizza truck (not that you can tell from this picture) a quick ride beofre lunch (note: i got yelled at b/c adults couldn't go on the horses)
lunch! She was waving...really excited about the mini donuts!
doing some crunches to work off the fair weight
1:00 = naptime. this kid is clockwork.
wanted joey to get us all in the shot

This is my favorite thing at the fair...this year was a little more fun for Juliette, even thought it was right after her short nap (you can tell she was tired), she still was a little interested :-)
pressing the button to make it spin!
whoa, look at that go!
needs more PURPLE!
a dab of orange
our final creation! (complete with a typical fairgoer in our pic!)
another ride! a whale that went up and down in the water...and there were bubbles!
ferris wheel! it was super fun because Juliette snuggled me the whole time :-)
family pic, take #1
family pic, take #2
looking cool in my shades
everyone is tired after a long day (nap, round two, followed this)
So it was a great day and we had a lot of fun...also, the fair is a great place to go if you would like to feel better about yourself! Hope you all get to enjoy something-on-a-stick!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"I want a bath!"

Ok, so I have witnesses, and I know it was kind of an accident, but I am pretty sure she said "I want a bath" a full sentence! It was so funny! Now she can say "bath" if you ask her, "Do you want a bath?" and then she says, "bath". Sometimes you just get the "ba", but sometimes you get the "th" sound. It's so cute! And she loves the bath, so I am glad this is her first real word (I don't count that mama dada sounds).

hi everyone, i am ready for my bath!
action shot
looks like daddy is getting ready to clean me up!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

walker, part II

Here are a few shots of her after she decided she wanted to walk..."that" day

Sunday, August 22, 2010

we've got a walker

Ok, this post is SUPER overdue!!! Brent sent me some videos from his phone (on August 3rd) that I meant to post right away, then I got some better video on the video camera but haven't gotten around to getting it on the computer, and then I just got busy busy busy. Now the kid is walking all over like crazy. It literally happened one day...Thursday 8/12 if you're writing it in your calendar. She had been doing the crusing FOREVER...months!!! Then she started taking steps right around her birthday, then walking in between us for a few weeks, then letting go of whatever she was holding onto and walking 4-5 steps to us. Then, one day, she decided she could just walk from the living room across the kitchen. There was no middle. It was pretty funny :-) At this point she has spent the last 10 days or so walking with her hands up for balance, which is super funny. She is getting better now and doesn't need them as much, though she does like to wave at you or clap for herself when she walks.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

how many takes???

this is usually how taking a picture of joey and me goes...

joey makes a face
we get a decent one someone offers to take a pic for us
(this is one of my favs of the two of us!)

Friday, August 13, 2010


In all the craziness lately, I forgot to post Juliette's official 1st birthday pics (in no particluar order because I am too lazy to go through them)...enjoy!

she was so close here :-)
family pic
i love this sequence
so frickin' adorable!
hugs for doug
laughing at gramma
love this sweet (and I just love this dress)
another hug...with the pat on the back
guarding her ship :-)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This kid loves pasta...which is why i usually only feed it to her right before bathtime...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


After work/daycare on Tuesday Juliette and I had a playdate with our friends Lindsey and Lucy! Luckily, Juliette lost her crabbiness from the day and was on pretty good behavior. We had a nice time playing together, eating dinner, and taking lots of pictures. An early evening playdate works out pretty are some pics!

the beginning of the playdate

juliette showing lindsey how to rock out

working on her letters...

teaching Lucy how to spell

hey mom!

hanging out kid kept taking wipes to wash her hands...

mom, guess what? me: that is soooo interesting!

Lucy and her ball

trying to get the group shot....this is literally how it went...

#1 Juliette looking at Lucy

#2 Lucy looking at Juliette

#3 Everyone looking! Success!

Thanks for a great playdate guys! We had a lot of fun! (note: Lindsey called me on Thursday to say that Lucy was waving now. She hadn't really done it much before, but now has been doing it all the time. Lindsey said Lucy learned it from watching Juliette, so she's a good teacher. Ahhh, just like her mother :-) hehe)