Oh, I love the fair. Joey, not so much. I think he is scarred from working the cheese curd stand in the food building in his early teens (in a size small t-shirt). But, since Juliette is older this year, he decided to join us at the great minnesota get together! We went after her morning nap, and stayed until about 3 (she did go down for her nap at 1 and slept for a little over an hour, which was good considering all the noise). When we got home, we had nap, round 2 :-) Here is our day at the fair:
all set to go
oh no, that lady is NOT wearing that!

first stop was the pizza truck (not that you can tell from this picture)

a quick ride beofre lunch (note: i got yelled at b/c adults couldn't go on the horses)

lunch! She was waving...really excited about the mini donuts!

doing some crunches to work off the fair weight

1:00 = naptime. this kid is clockwork.

wanted joey to get us all in the shot

This is my favorite thing at the fair...this year was a little more fun for Juliette, even thought it was right after her short nap (you can tell she was tired), she still was a little interested :-)

pressing the button to make it spin!

whoa, look at that go!

needs more PURPLE!

a dab of orange

our final creation! (complete with a typical fairgoer in our pic!)

another ride! a whale that went up and down in the water...and there were bubbles!

ferris wheel! it was super fun because Juliette snuggled me the whole time :-)

family pic, take #1

family pic, take #2

looking cool in my shades

everyone is tired after a long day (nap, round two, followed this)
So it was a great day and we had a lot of fun...also, the fair is a great place to go if you would like to feel better about yourself! Hope you all get to enjoy something-on-a-stick!