Thursday, July 1, 2010

the beginning of the presents...

I can't stop wanting to buy and make things for her birthday!!! There are two gifts I have kind of been giving as 1st birthday gifts to my friends (well, their kids!). The first is pants, since that is really the only thing I know how to sew! The second, and more recent discovery, is a name puzzle. It's personal, will last forever, and doesn't take up a lot of space...all good things! When I ordered a recent puzzle, I figured I should get Juliette one as well. When I made Danielle a pair of pants, I made a pair for Juliette too! One yard is perfect for two pairs of pants, plus they were Tink!

Then when I was at JoAnn's looking for some other stuff, I found this apron on clearance for $1.97, so I bought it, added the cupcake iron-on, and also iron-oned her name. Super cute and super cheap :-)

THEN, for Juliette's party, I made her a purple tutu. I tried it on her today and it was pretty cute...I took some pics of it (sans baby) to show you.
We also got her some "big" presents for her actual birthday and party. I am already starting to feel bad for when we have a second kid...

1 comment:

  1. okay PLEASE post how you made the tutu please :)
