Saturday was my godmother's son (Joe) wedding. My mom and I had been to a shower for Ashley a few months back and got to meet her friends and family and they were all so nice, so we were really looking forward to this wedding. Both familes are awesome and the wedding was AMAZING! Seriously- wow! Ashley's favorite color is you'll be able to tell :-) I love that there were stargazer lilies- my fav!! Here are some photos...
reception was at the Crown Plaza in downtown St. Paul

one of the centerpieces...

...and the other! seriously- looked like the ones you only see on tv

place setting...the menu was under the plate- so cool

the favor...2 cd's of love songs...with a REAL rose!

her very own placecard! table 5? nope honey- 13!

we all know she loves a good card!

joey and i all dressed up

cute dress. cuter baby!

a little out of focus, but you can see the whole dress :-)

the girls...

doing our trick (which looks like blowing a kiss!)

gramma and juliette

she mastered "so big" at dinner

all smiles...and a few teeth!

she was so good :-)

dancing with ann, who i guess you would call her grand-godmother!

smile :-)
so cute! and I LOVE that there is a picture tradition with the three girls =)