I'll just take you though the trip in pictures...
this is what we looked like at the aiport...after checking a suitcase

check this out daddy!
did you SEE that?
better rest up for the weekend!
are you ready vegas???
probably my favorite picture...put juliette into her crib for bed and she got up and laughed at us. hard. it was hilarious. ended up having to roll her crib into the bathroom at night so she could/would sleep. she did awesome!
in my new pool digs
kicking to my toy
eating some dinner at noodle asia...i tried grandpa's beef udon and liked it!
tickle, tickle!
waking up at 7am means going down in our jammies to get our morning latte! (she is waving here)
my family is soooo funny :-)
date night for mommy and daddy
reading our book
trying on mommy's shades
jess (from our work) got married!

(pic won't rotate, so just rotate your head for this one)
happy mother's day! started off with a digger and a bruise on her head!
cool by the pool
the girls
teaching her about laying out (while she's all covered!)
pftttt! (current favorite phrase!)
mother's day lunch at the Wynn
outside our hotel...almost time to go home :-( 

So we had an awesome trip! Juliette was grea on the plane and adjusted to the time difference with no issues- our flight times were apparently perfect for this! We got home a little before midnight on Sunday, and she was on her normal schedule at daycare on Monday. What a girl! I think mommy was more tired! This week I have been wanting to catch up on the blog, but it's been busy at work and at home trying to catch up on laundry and cleaning. I started this entry on Wednesday and go about 2 sentences done, so I finally sat down to finish (Saturday night!). It was worth it!
I'm SO glad that she travels well and that you had a happy Mothers Day =)