It's been purchased, folks! Gramma Jule and Grampa Steve-O walked the plank and bought the pirate ship!!!! It takes 3-4 weeks for the lovely Amish people to build it and then we get it! The guy who is going to clear out the backyard is coming this week, so Grampa will discuss things with him, but I am (fingers crossed!!) hoping that all will be done and ready for her 1st birthday party!! For the two of you who don't know the story, my parents have been looking at this pirate ship for about 10 years...seriously! Can't believe we'll finally have it!
gramma in the ship!

picture that Meghan sent me after reading this post:

ahoy matey!!! i can't believe the ship is actually docking! i dreamed this day would come :) now we just need a name for it. "the black pearl" is already taken... perhaps we will have to have a family brainstorming session on this one.