Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
a weekend with no plans is expensive
So this weekend Joey and I were pretty excited because we had nothing planned. This is a rare occurance. Joey had a long week so I asked my parents if I could drop Juliette off on Friday night to take him on a date. This did not count as our monthly drop off, it was a bonus! I had been bragging about how awesome Juliette is in the morning, so this gave them a chance to see her in the morning- it was really more for them :-) Anyway, I told Joey I would take him out wherever he wanted and he picked Tria. It's a restaurant that we tried out for brunch one day b/c we had a gift card and we liked it so he wanted to give it a go for dinner. It can be expensive, and it was that night, but it was good and we had a great night out together!
Gymboree happened to be next door, so that got me too! The bathing suit on the left is actually from Gap- got it for $7. The middle onesie is from Gymboree and so is the outfit on the's a light blue shirt with jeans and they have little fish on them. Really cute!
Juliette LOVES to shop...anything you hold up and ask if she likes- you'll get a smile! It's fun to shop with her- but be prepared to spend some money! I also bought myself my overpriced jeans for losing weight (down 15 lbs! wahoo!). They were at the Nordstrom Rack, so they weren't as expensive as they could've been, but still 3 figures :-) But if I can buy a size 4, I'll pay that all day! ha! We're going to get Joey a pair next weekend- he's lost 36 pounds!
Saturday Joey was supposed to golf, but the rain got in the way of that. He did go to the course and wait it out for a bit, but finally gave up! I had planned on going to my parents while he was at golf, so I headed over there b/c I had to get Juliette anyway! My mom suggested that we go shopping, so I suggested the MOA to find a new bathing suit for Juliette. My dad came with us and we all shopped. And shopped...we got a lot done (spent) in the little over an hour we were there. We found the bathing suit I wanted for Juliette, and more, at Baby Gap. I had picked out a few things and Gramma took them from me and said they would buy them. Who am I to argue? The swimsuit is on the left and I love it b/c it has a hood to protect her little head from the sun (we leave for Vegas on the 5th). The other two oufits are just cute. Grampa picked out the dress in the middle!

Sunday Joey woke up to go work out and Juliette and I got to play! When he got home we headed to Macy's because I had some stuff to return (which I actually forgot to bring and had to go back during her nap!). We got up there at 10:30, but the mall doesn't open until 11, so we got a Caribou and then noticed Kohls was open b/c they were having a sale. I am a sucker for a sale. Here is what we picked up at Kohls (I CAN NOT get this stupid pic to rotate on here...ugh!):
*Mommy's Little Sparkler tank (I LOVE sparklers!!!)
*Cute star shirt...we're thinking a nice flag day shirt
*Frames for a pic with mommy and daddy
*Mirror stickers for on the wall in the playroom (I had actually been looking for something like this)
*Apple scent thing to try to mask the poopy smell that can get in her room
*Minnie drinking cup (not pictured)
*New sleepsack b/c she needed a bigger one (the only really necessary purchase made today)

Then since Gap was an extra 40% off of clearance (I knew his from yesterday at the MOA), I peeked in there. Oops! The sales were sweet and I managed to get myself a pair of jeans and a hoodie for $20! Juliette made out with a few more things:
*Jelly sandals
*Jeans (12-18 months...buying ahead!)
*bucket hat with strap (wanted this for vegas)
*cute onesie with a bug on it (says hi on the frony, bye on the back...seriously, I pretty much had to get that! ha!)
*blue striped leggings- because they were $3
*solid navy leggings $6
*pink stripped dress- b/c she smiled AND grabbed at this. done.

I will probably spend Monday night trying to figure out how to pay for all of it! Yay for the 3 paycheck month!!!
42 weeks
OMG- only 10 weeks left? What are we going to do??? I am sure we will still be taking lots of pictures :-) Here are some from his week (a little late as usual). Juliette is now climbing on She is pretty brave and is also good at getting/falling down. It's super fun to watch her!
with her hat on for Antie K

smile (and, I can see the card you're holding and i want it)
she's showing you how old she is (finally got one with the printed side forward!)crawling machine
i can also!
it's like we're in jail!
listen...i am in charge!
don't mess with this princess :-)
Friday, April 23, 2010
i just love the park
Even though Juliette can really only "do" a few things and our visits aren't very long, I love the park. It feels so all-american to walk up to the park with the mommy, daddy, and baby (we will not be getting a dog!). She still loves the swing and the slide, too! She gets lots of practice on the slide at home :-) You just have to make sure she has socks on or her feet kinda stop her :-) Here are a few pics from my camera yesterday (it took me about 10 shots to get 3 decent ones because of the delay on my phone...I need to start bringing my real camera to the park!

looking at daddy
dad helping her down the slide so her feet don't get stuck! 

Monday, April 19, 2010
busy busy weekend!
Whew! That was one busy weekend! On Friday my cousin Alisha came in from CA to surprise Noelle for her bachelorette weekend and then we all went to Avenue Q (hilarious!). Noelle is a part of this groups called The Scene, so we were also at an afterparty at the Chambers that was pretty sweet. Got home around 1.
the surprise

photo op at the afterparty
me and alisha

On Saturday Joey had golf in the morning and Juliette and I headed up to Macy's for some shopping. I wanted to punch several people during that shopping trip. During her afternoon nap, Joey came home from golf and I left for Noelle's shower/bachelorette. It was a fun night, but I was feeling old!! Got home a little after midnight (thanks for the ride Brent!).
alisha, bride-2-be, me

Sunday morning Joey went into work so my mom came over during Juliette's morning nap to stay with her so I could do the Target/grocery run. She was kind of upset b/c Juliette was sleeping the whole time, but it was super helpful!! Alex was also in town so he came over to visit and got to see Juliette climb around and laugh :-) Joey got home from work, we talked for about 20 minutes, and then I left for a bridal shower! It was super fun and I was there later than I thought- Juliette was already asleep when I got home! Got home around 7 and sat down with Joey for about an hour. We were both beat! Luckily (at this point) we don't have stuff planned for next weekend so we can just hang out!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
41 weeks
Forty-one weeks and plugging along! She is so much fun right now and is super into climbing on everything- and she's getting pretty good at it! We're also loving this nice weather and getting out on lots of walks and enjoying the swings :-)
how we always start
Monday, April 12, 2010
It's been purchased, folks! Gramma Jule and Grampa Steve-O walked the plank and bought the pirate ship!!!! It takes 3-4 weeks for the lovely Amish people to build it and then we get it! The guy who is going to clear out the backyard is coming this week, so Grampa will discuss things with him, but I am (fingers crossed!!) hoping that all will be done and ready for her 1st birthday party!! For the two of you who don't know the story, my parents have been looking at this pirate ship for about 10 years...seriously! Can't believe we'll finally have it!
gramma in the ship!

picture that Meghan sent me after reading this post:

Sunday, April 11, 2010
over the hill!
It's the big four-ohhhhh! 40 weeks! That's as long as people are pregnant- but technically I went early, so it was a little less for me. Anyway, it seems like that 40 weeks of pregnancy is so boring compared to 40 weeks of a baby! I think the first time being prego was super fun, but I think that next time I'll just want to have the baby right away!
For the pics this week we wore black and got a fancy blinking button! I don't think she gets the grave nature of 40...
For the pics this week we wore black and got a fancy blinking button! I don't think she gets the grave nature of 40...
what is this blinking button all about?

she still just wants the card
funny every time
see? soooo funny
and delicious!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
One of my Springtime Bunny presents was a popover this week I whipped up a quick batch! They were actually prety easy and they were delicious! Gonna try a lower cal method next time and see if they're as good...mmmmmm!
the pan

juliette helping out

hot out of the oven


ready for some jelly...and my tummy!

sick baby
Boo! On Tuesday I had to pick Juliette up from daycare because she puked at breakfast. Apparently the bug is going around Just hope it doesn't come back! Good news is she didn't puke anymore when we got home and actually was pretty fun...which make me thinks she is a good faker (but I guess the puke was real!). She never got a fever, and was just off her nap schedule. She slept normally at night. So she is a good sick baby :-)
not a great pic b/c it's from my phone, but basically she played all day!

Monday, April 5, 2010
Juliette had an awesome Easter. Mine and Joey's was a bit more rough...we were sick (food poisoning) Saturday into Sunday, so I actually called my mom over on Sunday morning and she offered to take Juliette home with her. Done! We were in bed until 2, and got some needed rest/recovery time. We wouldn't have had to go out at all, but Joey had some out-of-town relatives in so we decided to make an appearance at his family's Easter. We went over to my parents to pick up Juliette around 3 and found our EB stuff...we made out awesome! Then we headed to his parents and had to leave during dinner b/c it got started a bit late :-) Waking up at 2:30 am does not lend well to Sunday afternoon/evening events!
So here are some pics from the weekend! And warning, it’s total overload, but I am a mom…
So here are some pics from the weekend! And warning, it’s total overload, but I am a mom…

they come with 9 colors now!
juliette "helping"
after! not much creativity on my part, as this was around when i got sick :-)
"finding" her eggs
got it!
oh my gosh...2!
so cute...notice my bunny feet :-)
my new slide from the springtime rabbit!
this is fun!
antie k playing with me
my new MMC ball!
look at this awesomse basket!
which one should i pick?
how about blue?
yeah, this looks good...but how do i open it?
spin it?
eat it?
or have mommy open it? yay!
so good!
dad's hat
juliette waving to the camera
everyone smiling!

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