Busy, busy weekend! We had dinner with Joey's parents on Friday night, then I had a shower on Saturday and bachelorette on Saturday night while Joey has his golf league smoker and had to move some furniture at his parents. Sunday Joey got out to he gym in the morning and hit some golf balls in the afternoon...I grocery shopped and made lunch for the week. So now I can finally sit down and update the pics from last week! In honor of Joe signing his big contract, we went with the Twins theme. The shirt (my 1st Twins tee) is from my friend Rachel, who happens to be married to Joe's brother, Jake. The blanket is from my Aunt Becky!
Joe's contract was for how much?
that's good, I am glad he'll be playing here

did you know that's like $43 a minute?


this is juliette practicing her 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th look...

and this is her look after the twins win!!!
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