This is one side of the room. I bought these huge frames at Target, mostly to cover up all the holes from the shelves that we had on the wall! It worked pretty well. It was hard to narrow Juliette to just- haha- 32 pictures! In the middle of the pics I made a "J" with different fabrics wrapped around a block letter...not loving it yet, but my intentions were good! The swing will probably be able to be put away soon, but there really isn't anywhere to put it so for now it stays! The cabinet has some of my sewing stuff in it and will either need to be cleaned out or locked shut! To the left of the cabinet is a little Tinkerbell chair that I bought as an impulse buy the other day- super tacky, but it's still cute!

The pride of the room! When it was the tv room we had mafia movie posters hanging up and I just didn't feel that was Meghan and I worked on some posters together. We think they turned out FABULOUS and wonder why other people don't seem to care as much?!? She even ordered some for Harrison's playroom. They are just awesome! Underneath the posters you will notice Juliette in her jumpy thing (that she LOVES), and our make-shift toy box (tables with the bins underneath). Her little LeapFrog toy is in the pic too...

Here are some "action shots" from some of her play time, before the room was finished:
this is daddy's toy that he bought when she was 2 months old because he saw a commercial for it! it's a fun one!

helping daddy put the balls away

my second grade teacher sent us a giftcard for Juliette and I felt that I should used it towards something educational. they have this toy at daycare and Karen said Juliette liked it, so i got it! it's pretty cool and she can entertain herself for a while with it, so we love it too!!
I sent my extra poster (original colors) home with Annie so now there are 3 houses with the alphabet poster! yay!