I had a few things to drop off for Lindsey and needed to get them to her before Lucy outgrew them, so we stopped over for a little visit (luckily we caught Lucy awake- she sleep more that Juliette did!). At the rate they are going, Juliette will be getting Lucy's hand-me-downs! They are 3 months apart and about the same size right now! Lindsey pointed out that it's kind of funny because they are the same size but Juliette has more skills b/c she is older. It was kind of weird to see that! At any rate, it was the first time Juliette has been OLDER than one of my friends kids, so that was fun :-) Here are a few pics from the photoshoot we made sure we did...last time they met one girl was always asleep so we didn't get any pics :-(
checking out the toy Lucy got for her (we haven't discussed sharing yet)

(lucy talking) "mom- this girl is crazy!!!"

but i think i like her enough to get some of her germs

my favorite pic
lucy: seriously?
juliette: ah hahaha bababa hahaha

Can't wait until they can play catch together!
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