Christmas Eve is "my" day, and Joey has Christmas day. Christmas Eve day we didn't do much...wrapped presents and I finished up some projects. Brent and Kristine came over to exchange gifts before heading to the big family event. I have some video of Juliette opening their gift, which she liked, but after we took the wrapping paper away from her she was pretty angry. I also have to apologize to Brent (and Kristine) for not being more attentive when they were here because I was finishing Joey's pants. Sorry. I will work on my eye contact next visit. This year X-mas Eve was at my uncle Denny's house, which conveniently is one stoplight from our house. It was a good sized crowd this year and we had a really nice time. Juliette made out quite nicely as she got gifts from my aunts and my grandparents. Kids always get such fun stuff! We took a few pics here...
Sleeping babies....Teddy (my cousin), with Juliette. family shot, using their tree
mommy and Juliette
daddy and Juliette
when we got home we left some cookies out for santa (thanks for the cup and plate gramma jule and grampa steve-o) the banister, which Joey decorated...under my direction ;-)
The pants. Well, I did it....finished pretty last minute, but I finished. I MADE pants for all of us to wear on Christmas morning. I love them and it was so fun to do. I felt pretty domestic!! I will have to make a new pair every year because Juliette will keep growing (hopefully we don't...haha!). I used the timer on the camera to try to get a few pics, I think you'll get the idea...

We stopped by their house to do gifts. Disney World is our BIG present every year, but then we usually do a few small gifts. This year, however, we scored big time. They bought a Wii for me and for Brent (I guess Kristine and Joey will get to use it too...). We usually know what we're getting, but this came as a surprise! We also got a Toy Story game that is based on this really cool ride in DW. Super fun...felt like a little kid again. So, as an ode to 1990 (?), I am recreating the image of Brent when he got Nintendo from my parents (I wish I had that picture on my computer...):

can I adopt your parents? I'm so glad you had a fantastic Christmas!