It's pretty obvious what I am thankful for this year, so I am not going to go on and on with a list, but let's just say life is pretty good. Today was a busy day...first we stopped by the Fastner house to see all of them and get the babies together, then we went to my parents for a delicious turkey dinner and entertainment provided Juliette, and then we stopped by the Davern Thanksgiving for dessert (which Juliette slept through since it was a bit off schedule from what we thought). We got pretty camera happy today, but got some good pics! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! (also, a shout out to my second grade teacher, Ms. Quam, who celebrated her b-day today!)
stopping by to visit cousin Owen!
i got $50- what a great day!

she was confusing 21 weeks with 21 years...

self portrait

Cute family, huh?

gramma and Juliette

party trick...fist in mouth

more smiles with gramma

daddy, you are crazy!

this is the hat my mom wore all day, so i thought i'd try it belonged to my great great grandma grace, she is the one who my middle name is after. she would've like me trying the wine in the picture from above! ;-)

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