Thursday, October 22, 2009

apple orchard

Joey got an unexpected day off of work today so we decided to go to the apple orchard! We also decided that from now on he will be taking a day off during the week in the fall so we can go when it's not busy (granted, it was pretty cold today, but going during the week when it's not busy=wonderful!). Juliette really won't remember any of this, but I will...for some reason it was just such a cute fun family day and it made me really happy! Here is the day in pictures...

If they would've had it in his size, I would've bought this...
the only people at the orchard were old ladies (joey's wanted this caption to read: "bingo just got out")
Juliette in pictures during the visit:
sleeping oh hey point to the cute babymmmm....hands this is hard work...
Joey enjoying the hot cider (it was really good!). Also, when we were in this little room enjoying our cider, the old ladies from above were in there talking and were so cute (and kinda lady reminded me of Grace). They were talking about things during the war and the depression and about baby diapers :-)
mommy and juliette (in her apple pants that Meghan made for her!)
apple bum :-)
cute little family pic :-)

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