Juliette and I took our first road trip together. We went to Chicago to hang out with friends and watch some hockey... and we made some other stops along the way. Juliette did a GREAT job on the ride. She slept most of the time, unless we stopped to eat (which was not as bad as I thought it would be) I was worried that she would not sleep well since she slept all day
and it would be her first night not sleeping in her own crib, but she did sleep from 10om-6am, so I was pretty happy! The next night she woke up once and I didn't want her to wake up the other baby, so I fed her. On Sunday when we came home she slept a lot in the car, so I was worried again...but we got home, took a bath, ate some dinner and went to bed- and she slept her normal 10 hours with no waking up. She must have been happy to be in her own crib again! So here is the story of our weekend in pictures... enjoy!
Lunch at Marquette with Anna and Molly (girls from my C-Team last year) You can't really tell, but Juliette is wearing her "clutch" onesie the girls made for her!

First annual picture of Juliette and Harrison with pumpkins.

One with the mommies...

Alex and Mychal photo op before their game...

VERY interested in scouting the other team

practicing our cheering

Photo shoot with Harrison and Juliette....mind you, the moms were not all that smart in planning this as it was right before Juliette needed to eat and Harrision was going down for a nap
why are you making me do this? i am HUNGRY!!!

ok guys, please sit still...no? one wants to crawl of the couch and the other is eating her hands

may i please have your nookie? or is Harrison going to be a bully? (I LOVE this pic!)

One sweet one...she is trying to snuggle with him :-)

On the way home we stopped in Madison to visit my cousin Kelly, see her house and introduce her to Juliette. We went to lunch at a little diner so Juliette got some time out of the car!

So that's it! We were happy to get back and see daddy (and take a shower/bath!). This weekend will be a busy one too...we have a wedding on Friday and Saturday is the Zoo Boo! Hope you all have a great week!