all bundled up...
sleeping in the swing...she's only been in it like twice

what are you looking at?

so tiny in her crib...

playing with mom...

before playing with mom (i look awesome here... but it's funny)
So there are some pics. She is awesome.
I have tried to get back to everyone with calls/emails/texts, so if I didn't get back to you, sorry. But you're all supposed to understand and I know you'll get over it :-) This first week we kind of decided on a "no visitors" thing (except immediate fam), since it was Joey's time off from work and so that we can start to get adjusted without being overwhelmed. Next week we'll start having people over to see the princess, but still keeping visits short and only one a day (again, we'll see how it all goes). Thanks for all your generous offers and support. We're excited for you all to meet Juliette!
wow- i don't think I realized how much HAIR she had since whe was wearing a hat in the hospital when I saw her!!!
she's gorgeous.