As many of you probably don't know, the first Sunday in June is Godparents Day (accoring to my googling, at least). Even before we were pregnant, Joey and I had discussions about Godparents and the first set was pretty easy- Brent and Kristine. So we were trying to think of a cool way to ask them. My idea- which I still think was cool- was to give Brent a framed picture of Marlon Brando (the Godfather) and Kristine a picture of the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella. Joey wasn't totally on board with that one. So then we decided to get them something for their house for when Juliette comes over to visit. We bought the "Hoppy Days" bouncer (it has frogs on it, get it?). **interjection: MONTHS ago, I had talked with my mom about asking Brent and Kristine on Godparents Day and she said it would be cool to see, so I said have us over for a BBQ! So we had this day all set up and then all these schedule issues/conflicts came up and there was really no good reason to give Brent and Kristine about why we were all so set on doing something on the 7th without giving it away, but I wouldn't budge (suprising, I know). So the BBQ ended up being a night at Murray's!** Back to the story, we wrapped the bouncer and picked up Brent and Kristine for dinner. When we picked them up Kristine had something to put in the trunk but we said no. You would've thought we were kidding, but since the present was back there, we were serious! So Kristine brought her bag in the back seat. We got to my parents and were talking a little and then Joey got the gift for Brent and Kristine. We gave it to them and said it was from Juliette because she wanted her Godparents to have some at their house when she came is the 8 second video I took:
It was really cool because they were both surprised! Then it was funny b/c they had a present for us! So we open it up and I was confused b/c it looked like a cell phone, so I thought they had just used that box, but it was a camcorder and a memory card and a carrying case! It was so so so nice! We both couldn't believe it! So unexpected and so cool! We are very lucky! So here is a shot of us with the gifts:

Dinner was great, as it always is at Murray's, and was a good way to celebrate. Brent and Kristine have both been so excited during this whole process and it has been really fun to watch. (I knew Kristine loved babies, but it's really fun for me to watch Brent get excited). We know that they are going to be awesome godparents and the coolest Unkie B and Antie K ever! Thanks guys!
you guys definately picked a great pair, they will be great! Where are you going to have the baptism?