Even at bedtime...
and you can't really see it, but it's there!
Even at bedtime...
and you can't really see it, but it's there!
Imitating my mom...
really, I don't know....but it was funny
It was really cool because they were both surprised! Then it was funny b/c they had a present for us! So we open it up and I was confused b/c it looked like a cell phone, so I thought they had just used that box, but it was a camcorder and a memory card and a carrying case! It was so so so nice! We both couldn't believe it! So unexpected and so cool! We are very lucky! So here is a shot of us with the gifts:
On Sunday I had a shower thrown by my friends, Laura and Katrina. It was at Laura's house in St. Louis Park, wich made my "wrong side of the river friends" very happy! They did an AWESOME job! We had Mommatini's when we walked in and the food was super good (I had a few plates full, and picked right off of the table too!). This is a pic of the food at the end...
We spent out time out on the deck enjoying the hot sun! The craft at this party was so cool...they made blocks for Juliette and everyone got to decorate one. Then they are going to shillack (no idea how to spell this!) them and I can display them on the hutch and Juliette can play with them. It was really fun to watch everyone make them!
We sat out on the deck to open presents. Here is the little polo onesie that Kristine got for Juliette to wear on our Disney trip this year (hard to see, but it's Tinkerbell's head and then it says "Juliette" on it!). You can also see the blanket that she knitted next to me on the bench...it turned out great!
Then Laura, crafty as ever (she got it form her mom who is knitting a sweater for the baby), made a nice quilt, also has soem Tinkerbell on it:
And here is a group shot- Casey and Amber had already left :-(
It was pretty much the perfect weekend and I coudn't have asked for anything more. I am very lucky and am SO looking forward to sharing Juliette with everyone! Thank you all so much!