On Sunday we went to the Twins game with my family. Joey does not really care much for baseball, so getting him to one game a year is quite and accomplishment. While we were sitting at the game and talking and I started to tell Joey the story of when Brent (at age 13-ish) caught a ball only to have the moron adult behind him strip it from his hands. Everytime this story is told, Brent recalls the welts that were on his hand as a result of him catching the ball. We still hate whoever that guy is. ANYWAY, within about the next 15 minutes a foul ball was coming our way...and it started to look really close. Being pregnant and all, I ducked. All the people around me were standing. When I heard the cheering I knew the ball had been caught and I was safe. Then I see that Joey is the one who caught the ball! I am kinda bummed that I missed seeing him actually catch it...the kid played baseball for like one year and doesn't even own a glove (note: he is athletic and has some coordination, but still the guy doesn't have a glove!). Then, in a nice act, Joey turned around and gave the ball to the little boy behind us...totally made that kid's day (I assume). The crowd ooohed and ahhhed at his nice gesture, so he stood up and tipped his hat...dork. Anyway, it was nice to see him thinking about little kids and making it special for the little boy behind us. He also commented on a little girl who was about 3 all decked out in her pink Twins gear. I think he's getting ready...
OK, that was super cute of Joey to do! :) I SO thought that was you in the pic in the pink tank catching the ball all prego! haha!