Harrison Thomas P was born February 4th at 3:57 am, weighing in at 7lbs 6oz and measuring 20.5". Meghan had a dr appt on Monday and they said she was at 2cm. Tuesday her water broke at 5pm (which I think is pretty convenient since Jeff picks her up then everyday!), so they headed to the hospital. I texted Jeff for an update around 9pm and he said she had the epidural and was at 4cm and it would be about 3 hours before they would check on her again...So I didn't sleep all night!! And I don't even get anything for it!! :-) This morning I texted him at 5:45 saying I hadn't slept and I wanted a web cam in the room. He sent me a picture a little after 7 (above). He called me after he sent it and I asked how Meghan was doing. He said she was doing well and that she pushed for less than an hour. Nice labor!
So this brings me to my random rant (I actually thought about this last week when Andrea was going to have Lucy). I get that pregnancy leads to a baby. Makes sense. The part that is so crazy to me is that the actual baby part happens so fast. I'll explain. Pregnancy seems to last forever, with weekly/monthly milestones, lots of this happening and growing, lots of shopping, it's a long process...and then BAM, you have a baby. It's just crazy to me! And with so many of my friends pregnant at once, all the babies are coming at once! It will be an interesting year!
Here are some new pics I stole from Meghans blog:
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I am a fan of these radical weight loss fads.
ReplyDeleteLosing that much weight in that shot of a time frame can't be healthy.
- Brent
*short of a time frame.