Our hotel was sweet! My parents had stayed here before, but it was our first time here. It is called the Royalton, and it's on 44th between 5th and 6th (great location!). You can check it out at http://www.royaltonhotel.com/ Here are a few pics of us in the lobby (they have really cool fireplaces with chairs and couches to lounge in and have some drinks- they made a nice hot cocoa!) :

We saw Chicago (3rd row center!!), August:Osage County ('08 Tony winner), and Patton Oswalt (comedian at Caroline's). Here are a few pics:
Joey and I in our seats...
the set of August:Osage County, which I am sure I took illegally...
Here are a few of the places we ate:
Ray's (mmmmm pizza...a family fav!)
PJ Clarke's (awesome burger...
called the Cadillac, so perfect for Joey!)
Shopping was good too. Everyone got something from Bottecelli :-) The sales guy there was HILARIOUS! He and his wife just had a daughter so he had some stories to share! We went back there a few times and the last time we were there he brought out shots of whiskey!! Mom and Joey enjoyed those...I think mom may have found a new drink! I wasn't fast enough with my camera to get a picture of it, but it was pretty funny! Joey got a nice pair of grown up shoes from there (his "nice" sketchers weren't cutting it in my book!):
And finally, we built a bear (at the Build a Bear store!) for the baby. I don't have a pic right now, so I'll post it later. It was really fun to do it though!
So that's our NY trip in a few words and a lot of pictures. Now I am back to reality...