Names are funny. I have always liked my name (even through all the the correcting of spelling and saying I am not "Jackie"). So now as we tell people we are pregnant they always ask about names. Or telling us there suggestions... which in most cases is their name. I will give Anna credit though for offering up the male version of her name, which happens (?) to be Anno. I told her I would run it by Joey but not to get her hopes up.
As you all know, I am a planner, so Joey and I had the name conversation long before we were pregnant. Joey always wanted a junior and I was ok with that, as long as we didn't have to do the "Big Joey", "Little Joey" thing. You would usually call the big one Joe and the little one Joey, but I already call the big one Joey so that just sets us up for mass confusion. Also, Joey's middle name is Richard, which I don't like b/c you can make that Dick (which I never understood?!?), and I don't want "Dick" in my kids name...just a personal issue I guess. So I won the middle name battle and it would be James (which gives me a little something b/c that is my grandpa's name). Then Joey could still call the kid "junior" and the rest of the world can call him JJ, which is cute and should be a good name for sports :-) As for the girl, I wanted to do something with my mom's name, but I am not going to name the kid Mary Jule, or something with the Jule. Julie and Julia were too common, so I went to Juliet. I could be fancy and spell it Juliette...we'll see. Middle name was easy. Grace. Most of you know that this is my great grandma who passed away right before Thanksgiving this year. I was able to tell her I was pregnant and if it was a girl her middle name would be Grace, so that was nice. We have even discussed names for kid #2, if it's 2 boys or 2 girls. Yeah, I know it's pathetic.
However, I still like names. It's fun to think of names, even if I am not going to use them. When I have lots of other girls names that I like that I will never use (Kennedy, Collette, Ariel, Bennett, Mallory...), but not as many boys names. I like simple traditional ones for boys, girls you can be more creative/trendy...for me anyway.
And if we end up with a boy and a girl...we will all have "J" names...not on purpose!!!
Mallory - good one! :) That's my middle child.