Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

5 years :-)

Ahhhh! I don't have my pics here, so I'll have to update later, but Joey and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. Sometimes I think it went fast, sometimes I think it's taken forever...haha jk! It's been an awesome 5 years...we've made our house a home, taken a lot of vacations (w/ and w/o family), had our first kiddo, watched friends get married and start their own families, and learned a lot.

In honor of our 5 years, here are five things you may not know about Joey:
1. He steals the covers and won't admit it.
2. I think he really loves his car.
3. He does bath time with Juliette every night...even after a long day.
4. He has owed me a foot rub for about a year.
5. Joey thinks he is/wants to be the character Jeff, from Rules of Engagement

And to be fair, 5 things you may not know about me:
1. People drinking loud makes me cringe...always. Joey drinks loud.
2. I am usually late getting home from work, Joey adds at least 30 minutes to what I say.
3. I should probably shower more, but it's just not worth my time...
4. The theme song to Psych make me happy every time I hear it
5. I usually do the cooking, but Joey does the cleaning

There is your random post :-) I LOVE YOU JOEY!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

oh yeah, we're having another baby...and it's a boy

I did drop a hint in the Halloween post, but just to clarify...Juliette is going to be a big sister to a little baby boy come March! We're very excited, as this time was not a stressful process like with Juliette. We're also excited for a little boy...Juliette can stay the princess and JOey has some to play legos with :-)

Juliette picked out some nice Mickey onesies for the baby and and is very excited. He is currently named Butter...NOT like she's saying "brother" wrong, just Butter. I kinda like it...

Friday, November 11, 2011


Ok, so the night I have been talking about for almost a year...barely took any pics :-( It was a super fun night though! I had a little party for myself at the Green Mill (where else?). WE had the back room to ourselves and I think people had a nice little Happy Hours. I even enjoyed a glass of wine (doctors orders!!), so that was really nice! Here are the few pics I did take...

cake pops I made :-) yes, i am 32

instead of presents for me, i asked people to bring books to donate to children's hospital

quick pic of juliette having fun at the party

on the 12th we had our traditional Ichiban's dinner...can't find the pic from the restaurant, but the after party at noelle and rian's included tahitian treat and pudding pops. solid.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I hadn't really explained to Juliette what we were going to do in the morning (go vote). So when we were walking in to vote, I just asked her, "Who are you going to vote for?" She said "gramma"...probably a good choice!

I voted...did you?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

french braid :-)

i can't belive she sat long enough to let me do this...