Thursday, August 27, 2009

8 weeks

Here is Juliette's weekly picture...her eyes are so cute in this one!

We had a pretty busy week. Meghan, Jeff and Harrison were in town from Chicago and got to hang out for a bit (of course I was stupid and didn't take any pics...). We got in a few walks down to Unkie B and Antie K's. We also got to CDH a few times and got to show off to some of mommy's old teachers! Tennis started, so I will be doing that 3 days a week. It's really not that bad and will help pay for daycare, plus it's my 12th year and I would find it hard to give up!

Tonight I went to my parents house and met up with Andrea and Rachel and their girls. It was really cute! They will all be in the same grade, so it should be fun for many years! Adelyn, Harrison, Owen, and Ainsley will also be the same year...insane!

Class of 2027!Andrea (with Lucy), me (with Juliette), and Rachel (with Lauren)
Hope everyone has a great weekend and gets something on a stick! Gotta love fair time!

Monday, August 24, 2009


I need to schedule some blogging time! Last week we had a really busy week. Joey was on second shift, so it kind of flipped our schedule around. I took Juliette to my parents at night for some dinner and fun! Thursday and Friday we ran some errands and kept pretty busy (we also went into work on Thursday). This weekend Juliette ate out ate her first restaurant...ok, so it was Green Mill and it was 4 in the afternoon, but she was good the whole time! We also had our first real fussy day on Sunday- that wasn't all that fun but so far she is better today! Here are a few pics from the last few days...(sorry about any red eye- not time to fix all that!)

hanging out with gramma jule while mom works (this was a sunday- she doesn't lay on the floor during the work week!)


7 weeks-I kept wanting to eat the lamb...

daddy teaching me a good grip

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

for Meghan

Meghan emailed me to say I hadn't posted in a while (which FYI, she is not the world's most frequent poster!) so I decided to hop on here quickly this morning to post a few pics!

on the fly...

hanging out with gramma jule and grampa steve-o
i am cute...and i look like my mom (not a coincidence...haha)
Ok Meghan, there is your fix until you're in town this weekend!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

6 week photo shoot and a sweet video

Here is the photoshoot from week6:

She is getting very strong! Here is a little example:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the last few days in pictures...

sporting her outfit we bought in NYC back in february. i layed out the outfit for joey to put her in...i learned that i also need to put out the socks b/c joey put purple socks on her!
sleeping with daddy...supervised of course! i am scared to sleep with joey sometimes! (i have been hit and also rolled on...)

resting up for antie k's b-day party later...
happy birthday antie k!

classy outfit! i actually thought it looked really cute!

my friend allison dropped by the see juliette and bring a little gift, partially handmade :-)
(if you can read the small print it says, "i love soccer even if my mom doesn't")
So those are some shots from the last few days. Yesterday she was a bit fussy in the morning, but comparatively I guess it wasn't that bad. Last night shep slept from 11pm-5am and then from 6am-9:30am...good morming! Then we went on a nice walk up to the mall and she was alert in her stroller- she likes shopping! whoo hoo! We came home, both ate lunch, and now we're going tp try to take a nap. Ahhh.......

Friday, August 7, 2009

5 week photo shoot, a few more pics, and a poop story

Here is Juliette with her lamb at 5 weeks. I need to start putting her in outfits that show her size a bit better, but she's just been living in these pj things! You can make up your own captions!

On Wednesday we went to surprise Gramma Jule at work. Juliette wore her "going to grandma's" outfit, which was pretty cute. I put this picture on here b/c she looks just like gramma with her tongue sticking out!
In poop news, Juliette really went to town yesterday. We went into work for a few hours. She got a little hungry so I took her into an unused office and fed her, then I went to change her. I put her on a chair, so she was a bit elevated. At home I always have the diaper RIGHT next to me on the changing table b/c I got burned once. Well this time the diaper was up on the desk and in those two seconds she let out a projectile poo like you've never seen (I did contimplate putting the picture of my clothes on here...but saved you having to see that). It was ALL over my shirt and all down my jeans...and on the floor in the office. Luckily it was an office where we have some t-shirts b/c it was VERY necessary for me to change shirts. I needed new pants too, but I had to wait until I got home. It was actually pretty funny :-)

And one last picture of how I wish the rest of my life was...
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

School Supply Shopping Day!

Yesterday was school supply shopping day! It's been August 4th since I was about 10. The sad thing is that a lot of people in my life actually know this date! I went with Mychal this year and Juliette came too! Here is her first picture:
That's all for now! Hope you're all having a good week!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Today Juliette is one month old :-) Time flies! Gramma Jule and Grampa Steve-O came over to bring her a birthday muffin and a movie. Every month Juliette will get a new Disney movie for her collection! This month, appropriately, was Sleeping Beauty:-)

the fam...

with g-pa steve-o

with g-ma jule and her first b-day muffin

chillin in the pack n play while mom and dad eat dinner
It was a great day!